android - How to set scale to object image in unity 3D by Code? -

i'm new unity 3d developer create button c# code , set image button image show small. how resize scale image ?

if image component, use assign new vector3 image.recttransform.localscale. suggest use vector3 instead of vector2 can use 1 z value. code below scale x , y 4 leave z 1.

public image myimage;  void start() {     myimage.recttransform.localscale = new vector3(4, 4, 1); } 

for texture2d use method below.

public texture2d myimage; void start() {     myimage.resize(4, 4);     myimage.apply(); } 

for sprite

public sprite myimage; void start() {     myimage.texture.resize(4,4);     myimage.texture.apply(); } 

for spriterenderer

public spriterenderer myimage; void start() {     myimage.transform.localscale = new vector3(4, 4, 1); } 

for gui.button

float x = 300; float y = 300; float width = 150; float height = 150;  void ongui() {     if (gui.button(new rect(x, y,width, height), new guicontent(icon)))     {       }      //scale width     width = 400;      //scale height     height = 400; } 


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