ios - Why isn't the parameter not passing as ViewController? -
i trying pass viewcontroller parameter, keep getting error. not sure why error occuring. appreciated.
class major: uiviewcontroller, uicollectionviewdelegate, uicollectionviewdatasource{ let initial = json.finddetailclass(self viewcontroller, predicate: predicate) } func finddetailclass(viewclass: major, @noescape predicate: json -> bool) -> json? { if predicate(self) { return self } else { if let subjson = (dictionary?.map { $0.1 } ?? array) { json in subjson { if let foundjson = json.findmultiple(viewclass uiviewcontroller //this error, predicate: predicate) { let shorten = foundjson["html"].stringvalue print(shorten) } } } } return nil }
if wanna pass viewcontroller parameter, using type parameter type [anyobject].
anyobject likes id in objective-c. can understand type of object of pointer.
func finddetailclass(viewclass: anyobject, @noescape predicate: json -> bool) -> json? ......
and , can convert viewclass real type of object while you're using object.
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