rest - Spring Boot does not create the Restful WS when we give @RequestBody or @RequestHeader as a method parameter -

in our project have interface , implementing class in interface provide method signature annotated @requestmapping annotation. class implementing interface annotated @restcontroller , @requestmapping annotations , overriding methods in interface.

issue: in of methods, when give @requestbody or @requestheader parameter, spring boot not creating /v1/myapi/load url given in @requestmapping in interface. if give empty parameters creating url.

further digging in, figured out if remove @requestmapping annotations interface methods , provide in methods in controller class working irrespective of giving in method parameter.

i want know why @requestmapping provided in interface not considered when use @requestbody or @requestheader method parameter.

@controller @requestmapping("/v1/myapi/") public class mycontrollerclass implements myinterface{ @override public responseobject method1(@requestbody string request,  @requestheader(name= httpheaders.authorization) string token){  }  //interface class public interface myinterface {       @requestmapping(method =,value="/load",produces = mediatype.application_json_value) responseobject method1(@requestbody string request, @requestheader(name= httpheaders.authorization) string token) throws exception;  } 

the annotations must in either implementing class or in controller interface (if choose have one) in order work correctly. copied javadoc of @requestmapping:

note: when using controller interfaces (e.g. aop proxying), make sure consistently put all mapping annotations - such @requestmapping , @sessionattributes - on controller interface rather on implementation class.


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