Implement LDAP in (C#) MVC4 -
i got working on application (non mvc) have change on mvc not know how adapt old code. reference, using stock website application (needed quick , dirty) , sewing in zurb's foundation framework. c# based.
here old way worked:
<form id="login" method="post" runat="server"> <fieldset> <legend>please login</legend> <asp:label id="errorlabel" runat="server" forecolor=#ff3300></asp:label><br> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <label>domain:</label> <asp:textbox id="txtdomain" runat="server" placeholder="human check: please type workgroup"></asp:textbox> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <label>username:</label> <asp:textbox id=txtusername runat="server" ></asp:textbox> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <label>password:</label> <asp:textbox id="txtpassword" runat="server" textmode=password></asp:textbox><br> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="large-6 columns"> <%-- <a href="#" class="button" id="btnlogin" runat="server" önclick="login_click">submit</a>--%> <asp:button id="button1" runat="server" text="login" onclick="login_click" cssclass="button"></asp:button> </div> <div class="large-6 columns"> <br /> <asp:checkbox id=chkpersist runat="server" /> remember me </div> </div> </fieldset> </form>
here script below (same page) worked.
<script runat="server"> void login_click(object sender, eventargs e) { string adpath = "ldap://dc03/dc=meowmeow,dc=com"; //path ldap directory server legend_forms_manager.ldapauthentication adauth = new legend_forms_manager.ldapauthentication(adpath); try { if (true == adauth.isauthenticated(txtdomain.text, txtusername.text, txtpassword.text)) { string groups = adauth.getgroups(); //create ticket, , add groups. bool iscookiepersistent = chkpersist.checked; formsauthenticationticket authticket = new formsauthenticationticket(1, txtusername.text,,, iscookiepersistent, groups); //encrypt ticket. string encryptedticket = formsauthentication.encrypt(authticket); //create cookie, , add encrypted ticket cookie data. httpcookie authcookie = new httpcookie(formsauthentication.formscookiename, encryptedticket); if(true == iscookiepersistent) authcookie.expires = authticket.expiration; //add cookie outgoing cookies collection. response.cookies.add(authcookie); //you can redirect now. response.redirect(formsauthentication.getredirecturl(txtusername.text, false)); } else { errorlabel.text = "authentication did not succeed. check user name , password."; } } catch(exception ex) { errorlabel.text = "error authenticating. " + ex.message; } } </script>
using system; using system.text; using system.collections; using system.directoryservices; namespace legend_forms_manager { public class ldapauthentication { private string _path; private string _filterattribute; public ldapauthentication(string path) { _path = path; } public bool isauthenticated(string domain, string username, string pwd) { string domainandusername = domain + @"\" + username; directoryentry entry = new directoryentry(_path, domainandusername, pwd, authenticationtypes.securesocketslayer); try { //bind native adsobject force authentication. object obj = entry.nativeobject; directorysearcher search = new directorysearcher(entry); search.filter = "(samaccountname=" + username + ")"; search.propertiestoload.add("cn"); searchresult result = search.findone(); if (null == result) { return false; } //update new path user in directory. _path = result.path; _filterattribute = (string)["cn"][0]; } catch (exception ex) { throw new exception("error authenticating user. " + ex.message); } return true; } public string getgroups() { directorysearcher search = new directorysearcher(_path); search.filter = "(cn=" + _filterattribute + ")"; search.propertiestoload.add("memberof"); stringbuilder groupnames = new stringbuilder(); try { searchresult result = search.findone(); int propertycount =["memberof"].count; string dn; int equalsindex, commaindex; (int propertycounter = 0; propertycounter < propertycount; propertycounter++) { dn = (string)["memberof"][propertycounter]; equalsindex = dn.indexof("=", 1); commaindex = dn.indexof(",", 1); if (-1 == equalsindex) { return null; } groupnames.append(dn.substring((equalsindex + 1), (commaindex - equalsindex) - 1)); groupnames.append("|"); } } catch (exception ex) { throw new exception("error obtaining group names. " + ex.message); } return groupnames.tostring(); } } }
i included following references:
~ system.directoryservices
i having extreme difficulty finding anywhere has iota of consistency in tutorial not date 2008 or so.
if can please me... have out here , needs translated, think.
i added .aspx , .cs old new, added adconnectionstring web.config, , added tokens .cs , .aspx prevent cross-site scripting (it forced me per references). can page, fill in info, when click 'submit' blanks page , nothing. still need help.
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