javascript - Shield ui grid hierarchy grid make non-editable while main grid editable -
i made rows of main grid editable , there no need of editing rows in hierarchy grid.but problem once click on row of hierarchy grid becomes editable , value of same column number of main grid appear in selected column of hierarchy grid. below picture attached here make more sense.
so mentioned dont need happened in hierarchy grid.
here code far....
$("#alltransgrid").shieldgrid({ datasource: { data: datad, schema: { fields: { mbr_id: {path: "mbr_id", type: string}, lon_id: {path: "lon_id", type: string}, center_name: {path: "center_name", type: string}, grp_name: {path: "grp_name", type: string}, mbr_name: {path: "mbr_name", type: string}, lon_amt: {path: "lon_amt", type: number}, lon_int_amt: {path: "lon_int_amt", type: number}, loan_total: {path: "loan_total", type: number}, ind_inst: {path: "ind_inst", type: number}, today_pay: {path: "today_pay", type: number, nullable: false}, lon_id_as: {path: "lon_id_as", type: number} } } }, sorting: { multiple: true }, paging: { pagesize: 12, pagelinkscount: 10 }, events: { editorcreating: function (e) { if (e.field == "ind_inst") { e.options = {enabled: false, max: 1000}; } if (e.field == "loan_total") { e.options = {enabled: false, max: 500000}; } if (e.field == "lon_int_amt") { e.options = {enabled: false, max: 100000}; } if (e.field == "lon_amt") { e.options = {enabled: false, max: 100000}; } if (e.field == "mbr_name") { e.options = {enabled: false}; } if (e.field == "grp_name") { e.options = {enabled: false}; } if (e.field == "center_name") { e.options = {enabled: false}; } if (e.field == "lon_id") { e.options = {enabled: false}; } if (e.field == "mbr_id") { e.options = {enabled: false}; } if (e.field == "today_pay") { e.options = {max: 10000}; console.log(e.options); } }, detailcreated: function (e) { $.ajax({ url: "paymentcatchergroupby", cache: false, datatype: 'json', data: {loan_id: e.item.lon_id_as, c_id: center_id}, success: function (data) { $("<div/>") .appendto(e.detailcell) .shieldgrid({ datasource: {data: data}, sorting: { multiple: true }, paging: { pagesize: 5 }, columns: [ {field: "installment_num", title: "week"}, {field: "installmentamount", title: "installment amount"}, {field: "paidamount", title: "paid amount"}, {field: "duedate", title: "date paid", type: date} ], events: { editorcreating: function (e) { if (e.field == "installment_num") { e.options = {enable: false}; } } } }); }, error: function (jqxhr, textstatus, errorthrown) { alert('error'); } }); } }, selection: { type: "row", multiple: true, toggle: false }, columns: [ {field: "mbr_id", width: "100px", title: "member id", enabled: false}, {field: "lon_id", width: "100px", title: "loan id"}, {field: "center_name", title: "center name", width: "100px"}, {field: "grp_name", title: "group name", width: "70px"}, {field: "mbr_name", title: "member name", width: "170px"}, {field: "lon_amt", title: "loan amount", width: "100px"}, {field: "lon_int_amt", title: "interest", width: "100px"}, {field: "loan_total", title: "total", width: "80px"}, {field: "ind_inst", title: "installment amount", width: "120px"}, {field: "today_pay", title: "today payment"} ], editing: { enabled: true, event: "click", type: "cell" }, scrolling: true, height: 600 });
any appreciable. thank !
you can disable editing of detailed grid:
or can set editable false columns not want edit.
columns: [ {field: "mbr_id", width: "100px", title: "member id", editable: false},
i hope solve issue.
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