python - Nosetest and unittest.expectedFailures -

i testing website selenium, python , nosetests. works fine success tests, got problem on failure tests (i have never test python / selenium / nosetest ...). following test :

 @unittest.expectedfailure     def test_connection_failure(self):          # fill username login         self.driver.find_element_by_id('form_identifiant').send_keys(test_login)          # send form         self.driver.find_element_by_id('form_submit').click()          # check landing url         page_url = self.driver.current_url         self.assertequal(page_url, page_home) 

i testing simple case : when enter login, can't connect website. except failure when compare current page url , page should if login / password couple correct.

i got following message nosetests prompt :

[root@localhost appgestion]# nosetests /usr/lib64/python2.7/unittest/ runtimewarning: testresult has no addexpectedfailure method, reporting passes   runtimewarning) 

i don't understand error. found "addexpectedfailure" method on net didn't found how use it, put ... because test skipped nosetest actually.

any clues ?

the decorator nose handle expected exception @raises(...):

but in case, use assertnotequal without decorator:

def test_connection_failure(self):      # fill username login     self.driver.find_element_by_id('form_identifiant').send_keys(test_login)      # send form     self.driver.find_element_by_id('form_submit').click()      # check landing url     page_url = self.driver.current_url     self.assertnotequal(page_url, page_home) 


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