r - Extracting the outer-boundary of a set of grid points with some missing grids (holes) -
this question generalization of this question. mentioned question working point set no hole. in present question want perimeter (outer boundary) of subset of near-regular grid of points of grid point in polygon missing (i.e., polygon hole).
the sample data set on grids available here.
i used r-code suggested answer in above mentioned question (with no holes).
the following output of using codes:
now want ignore holes in inside point set , want consider outer boundary of point set required polygon.
any suggestion!! thanks.
this slight variant on previous code works if there's holes finding loops , taking 1 largest x coordinate, must outside loop. unless loops touch... strictly perhaps should take loop largest area... note need use x , y in 1 of functions because of bug (i've reported) in igraph package.
perimetergrid <- function(pts, maxdist=6000, mindist=1){ g = edgep(makegrid(pts, maxdist=maxdist, mindist=mindist)) ## there might holes. find loop largest x coordinate. parts = components(g) outer = which.max(tapply(v(g)$x, parts$membership, function(x){max(x)})) g = induced_subgraph(g, which(parts$membership==outer)) loop = graph.dfs(minimum.spanning.tree(g),1)$order cbind(v(g)$x, v(g)$y)[loop,] } # haversine distance matrix dmat <- function(pts){ n=nrow(pts) do.call(rbind,lapply(1:n,function(i){disthaversine(pts[i,],pts)})) } # make grid cells given maxdist (and mindist stop self-self edges) makegrid <- function(pts, maxdist=6000, mindist=1){ dists = dmat(pts) g = graph.adjacency(dists<maxdist & dists>mindist, mode="undirected") ## use x , y here not x , y due igraph bug ## these copied output later... v(g)$x=pts[,1] v(g)$y=pts[,2] g } # clever function grid edge count etc edgep <- function(g){ # find simple squares square=graph.ring(4) subs = graph.get.subisomorphisms.vf2(g,square) # expand edges subs = do.call(rbind, lapply(subs, function(s){ rbind(s[1:2], s[2:3], s[3:4], s[c(4,1)]) })) # make new graph of edges of squares e = graph.edgelist(subs,directed=false) # add weight edge count e(e)$weight=count.multiple(e) # copy coords source v(e)$x=v(g)$x v(e)$y=v(g)$y # remove multiple edges e=simplify(e) # internal edges have weight 256. e = e - edges(which(e(e)$weight==256)) # internal nodes how have degree 0 e = e - vertices(degree(e)==0) return(e) }
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