python - How to TABLESAMPLE with SQLAlchemy? -

is possible tablesample on of tables in orm query in sqlalchemy?

the closest find query.suffix_with(*suffixes), places suffix on end of query, rather on end of table.

if helps, use case:

my query currently:

query = session.query(a).options(     subqueryload(a.rel1),     subqueryload(a.rel2) ).filter( >= min_id, < max_id, [...])  

and tablesample on table a efficiently load subset of a , corresponding relations, filters. using postgresql 9.5 database.


sqlalchemy 1.1 , newer support tablesample selectables. fromclause elements have method fromclause.tablesample() (think tables) , sqlalchemy.tablesample() function can used selectables, example declarative model classes:

from sqlalchemy import tablesample, func sqlalchemy.orm import aliased  # create alias uses system sampling method (default) a_sampled = aliased(a, tablesample(a, 2.5))  # create alias uses bernoulli sampling method a_bernoulli = aliased(a, tablesample(a, func.bernoulli(2.5))) 

there's slight asymmetry in tablesample(a, ...), a declarative class, returns tablesample from-clause, has aliased if used model. otherwise acts fromclause, e.g. table underlying model class.


there seems no discussion tablesample support @ time of writing this. sqlalchemy extensible, here's simple (read: may not work use cases) implementation of tablesample support:

from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles sqlalchemy.sql import alias, fromclause sqlalchemy.orm import aliased   class tablesample(alias):      __visit_name__ = 'tablesample'      def __init__(self, selectable, argument=none, method=none,                  seed=none):         super(tablesample, self).__init__(selectable)         self.method = method         self.argument = argument         self.seed = seed    def tablesample(element, argument=none, method=none, seed=none):     if isinstance(element, fromclause):         return tablesample(element, argument=argument, method=method, seed=seed)     else:         return aliased(element, tablesample(element.__table__,             argument=argument, method=method, seed=seed))   @compiles(tablesample) def compile_tablesample(element, compiler, **kwargs):     s = "%s tablesample %s(%s)" % (         compiler.visit_alias(element, **kwargs),         element.method or 'system',         element.argument)      if element.seed:         s += " repeatable (%s)" % compiler.process(element.seed, **kwargs)      return s 

the argument should time being float representing percentage between 0 , 100 convenience, though postgresql accept real-valued expression. seed on other hand compiled , literal python values have wrapped literal() or like.

it should used in similar fashion aliased:

a_sampled = tablesample(a, 2.5)  query = session.query(a_sampled).options(     subqueryload(a_sampled.rel1),     subqueryload(a_sampled.rel2) ).filter( >= min_id, < max_id, [...]) 
