rabbitmq - Azure Traffic Manager Endpoints show Degraded Even when 200 is Returned -

i have azure traffic manager profile 2 endpoints (linux vm's running rabbitmq).

the endpoints of type "azure endpoint" , target resource type "public ip address".

when @ traffic manager profile reports status of profile "enabled", , monitor status "degraded".

on each of endpoints reports status "enabled" , monitor status "degraded".

i have traffic manager profile configured protocol "http" , port 15672 , path "/index.html".

the problem can't tell why reporting "degraded" because if wget command.

wget <vmname1>.cloudapp.azure.com:15672/index.html  resolving <vmname1>.cloudapp.azure.com... <ip address> connecting <vmname1>.cloudapp.azure.com|<ip address>|:15672... connected. http request sent, awaiting response... 200 ok length: 1419 (1.4k) [text/html] 

all "documentation" (which azure frustratingly blog posts) says if returns 200 should "online" , not "degraded".

based on reply, issue traffic manager health checks being blocked nsg rules.

we don't have easy way configure traffic manager in nsgs today, nor publish traffic manager health check source ip addresses. these gaps planning fill. in meantime, recommended workaround use dedicated health check page running on different tcp port traffic manager, , apply nsg port used application.


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