php - 404 Not Found error when routing using silex -

i had following code, worked fine on php 5.6 , apache 2.2. think upgraded apache 2.4 , seems have stopped working.

api -app    -job      -jobcontroller.php      -jobfacade.php      -jobfacadeprovider.php    -src      -batchautoscalingapplication.php      -routes.php    -app.php    -index.php 


<?php     require_once __dir__ . "/../job/jobcontroller.php";     $app->mount("/job", new jobcontroller()); ?> 


<?php     require_once __dir__ ."/jobfacade.php";      class jobcontroller implements controllerproviderinterface     {         public function connect(application $app)         {              $controllers = $app['controllers_factory'];             error_log("isnide cntroller",false);             $controllers->get('/isacceptable', function (request $request) use ($app) {                  $id_contents = $request->query->get('id_contents');                 $result = $app['job']->isacceptable($id_contents, $id_host, $id_vhost, $private_ip);                 return new jsonresponse($result);             });              return $controllers;         }          public function boot(application $app)         {             // todo: implement boot() method.         }     } ?> 


class jobfacade     {         public function isacceptable($id_contents)         {            return "something"         }     } 


class jobfacadeprovider implements serviceproviderinterface     {         public function register(application $app) {             $app['job'] = $app->share(function() use ($app) {                 return new jobfacade();             });         }         public function boot(application $app) {} } 


 $app = require_once __dir__ . '/app/app.php';     $app->after($app["cors"]);      $app->run();  ?> 


class batchautoscalingapplication extends application     {         public function __construct(array $values = array())         {             parent::__construct($values);             $this->register(new corsserviceprovider(), array(                 "cors.alloworigin" => "*",             ));              $this->register(new jobfacadeprovider());          }      } 


$app = new batchautoscalingapplication();      require_once __dir__ . '/src/routes.php';      return $app;  ?> 

when hit url http://<host>/job/isacceptable?id_contents=34, gives me following error

404 not found the requested url /job/isacceptable not found on server

ps: documentroot pointed api directory.

it silly mistake. added allowoverride all in httpd.conf , seems work ok.


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