javascript - How to access pagination in asp website using Node.js? -

i going grab data website build asp. i'm having problem it's pagination, don't know how next page. here have tried code

var url = '';, {form:{pc$pageno:3}} , function(error, response, body){        if(!error && response.statuscode == 200){           var $ = cheerio.load(body);           var links = [];           $('table.sortable > tr:not(".mtbgreenbg")').each(function(){              links.push(''+$(this).find('td').eq(12).find('img').attr('onclick')              .replace(/'/g, '')              .replace(/,/g, '')              .replace(/[()]/g, '')              .replace(/, '')              .replace(/resizable=yesscrollbars=yes/g,''));           });           console.log(links);        }     }); 

but did not work. have meet website before? pls me.


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