ionic2 - Ionic 2 with Paper JS - Flickering canvas and white box -

i'm having issue ionic 2 (beta.7) , paper js: white box appears @ top left corner of canvas when start drawing. see example picture here.the canvas flickers when drawing.

a short description i'm trying do: take picture device camera , draw image on canvas , allow user draw on image.

any ideas i'm doing wrong? or suggestions on how fix this?

my code:

taking picture (using ionic native):

public takepicture(): void {     // options camera plugin     let options = {         quality: 20,         destinationtype: camera.destinationtype.file_uri,         sourcetype: 1,         encodingtype: camera.encodingtype.jpeg,         mediatype: camera.mediatype.picture,         correctorientation: true     };     camera.getpicture(options).then((imagedata) => {                      this.nav.push(drawpicturepage, { imagepath: imagedata });      }, (err) => {     }); } 

drawpicturepage (picturedraw.ts):

import {platform, page, navcontroller, navparams} 'ionic-angular'; import {elementref, viewchild, ngzone} '@angular/core';  import * paper 'paper';   @page({     templateurl: 'build/pages/picturedraw/picturedraw.html', })  export class drawpicturepage {      @viewchild("thecanvas") thecanvas: elementref;     @viewchild("content") content: elementref;      private path;      private ctx: canvasrenderingcontext2d;  // canvas context     private imagepath: string = '';      private canvaswidth: number = 100;     private canvasheight: number = 100;      private canvasinnerwidth: number = 0;     private canvasinnerheight: number = 0;      private width: string = '0%';     private height: string = '0%';      constructor(         public navparams: navparams,         private zone: ngzone) {              this.imagepath = navparams.get('imagepath');      }      public ngafterviewinit(): void {         this.ctx = this.thecanvas.nativeelement.getcontext("2d");         this.loadimage();     }      private loadimage(): void {          let image = new image();         image.src = this.imagepath;          image.onload = () => {              // count image ratio             let ratio: number = image.width / image.height;              // create canvas , context image resizing             let oc = document.createelement('canvas');             let octx = oc.getcontext('2d');              oc.width = image.width;             oc.height = image.height;              // resize max size 1600x900             if (image.width > image.height && image.width > 1600) {                 oc.width = 1600;                 oc.height = 1600 / ratio;                 if (oc.height > 900) {                     oc.height = 900;                     oc.width = 900 * ratio;                 }              } else if (image.height > 1600) {                 oc.height = 1600;                 oc.width = 1600 * ratio;                 if (oc.width > 900) {                     oc.width = 900;                     oc.height = 900 / ratio;                 }             }              octx.drawimage(image, 0, 0, oc.width, oc.height);              // calculate ui size of canvas             if (image.width > image.height) {                 // landscape                 this.canvaswidth = this.content.nativeelement.offsetwidth;                 this.canvasheight = this.canvaswidth / ratio;             } else {                 // portrait                 this.canvasheight = this.content.nativeelement.offsetheight;                 this.canvaswidth = this.canvasheight * ratio;             }              // set canvas ui width , height    => {                 this.width = math.round(this.canvaswidth) + 'px';                 this.height = math.round(this.canvasheight) + 'px';             });              // set canvas inner width , height             this.canvasinnerwidth = oc.width;             this.canvasinnerheight = oc.height;              this.setuppaperjs(oc);          };     }      /** setup paper js */     private setuppaperjs(canvas: = null): void {          paper.install(window);         paper.setup(this.thecanvas.nativeelement);          this.thecanvas.nativeelement.width = this.canvasinnerwidth;         this.thecanvas.nativeelement.height = this.canvasinnerheight;          // draw image         this.ctx.drawimage(canvas, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height,             0, 0, this.thecanvas.nativeelement.width, this.thecanvas.nativeelement.height);     }      private downevent(event: touchevent): void {'downevent');         let touch: { x: number, y: number } = this.touchcoordtocanvascoord(event.touches[0].screenx, event.touches[0].screeny);         let point: paper.point = new paper.point();         point.x = touch.x;         point.y = touch.y;          if (this.path) {             this.path.selected = false;         }          // create new path         this.path = new paper.path({             segments: [point],             strokecolor: 'red',             strokewidth: 10         });     }      private dragevent(event: touchevent): void {'dragevent');          let touch: { x: number, y: number } = this.touchcoordtocanvascoord(event.touches[0].screenx, event.touches[0].screeny);         let point: paper.point = new paper.point();         point.x = touch.x;         point.y = touch.y;          this.path.lineto(point);      }      private upevent(event: touchevent): void {'upevent');          this.path.simplify(10);      }      /** converts touch coordinate canvas coordinates */     private touchcoordtocanvascoord(touchx: number, touchy: number): { x: number, y: number } {          let rv: { x: number, y: number } = { x: 0, y: 0 };          let x0: number = 0, y0: number = 0;         x0 = this.thecanvas.nativeelement.getboundingclientrect().left;         y0 = this.thecanvas.nativeelement.getboundingclientrect().top + 45;          rv.x = this.canvasinnerwidth / (window.screen.width  - 2 * x0) * (touchx - x0);         rv.y = this.canvasinnerheight / (window.screen.height - 2 * y0) * (touchy - y0);          if (rv.x < 0) rv.x = 0;         if (rv.y < 0) rv.y = 0          if (rv.x > this.canvasinnerwidth) rv.x = this.canvasinnerwidth;         if (rv.y > this.canvasinnerheight) rv.y = this.canvasinnerheight;          return rv;     }      /*------------------------------- functions called template -------------------------------*/      private getwidth(): string {         return this.width;     }      private getheight(): string {         return this.height;     }   } 

the template:

<ion-navbar primary *navbar>     <ion-title>my title</ion-title> </ion-navbar> <ion-content>     <div #content style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">         <canvas #thecanvas class="canvasstyle" [style.width]="getwidth()" [style.height]="getheight()" (touchstart)="downevent($event)"             (touchend)="upevent($event)" (touchmove)="dragevent($event)"></canvas>     </div> </ion-content> 

and "canvasstyle" class:

.canvasstyle{     top: 50%;     left: 50%;     margin-right: -50%;     transform: translate(-50%, -50%);     position: absolute;     background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);     -webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0,0); } 

any feedback appreciated.

the drawing wasn't working correctly because canvas wasn't set right paperjs. "flickering" seemed caused large size of canvas.

what ended doing drawing image on 1 canvas , using paperjs on another, smaller, canvas. before saving final image drew paper canvas on top of image canvas.

so in html have:

<canvas #imagecanvas class="canvasstyle" [style.width]="getwidth()" [style.height]="getheight()"></canvas> <canvas #papercanvas class="canvasstyle" [style.width]="getwidth()" [style.height]="getheight()" (touchstart)="downevent($event)"         (touchend)="upevent($event)" (touchmove)="dragevent($event)"></canvas> 

and in .ts:

@viewchild("imagecanvas") imagecanvas: elementref; @viewchild("papercanvas") papercanvas: elementref;  ...  public ngafterviewinit(): void {     this.ctx = this.imagecanvas.nativeelement.getcontext('2d'); }  ...  private setuppaperjs(canvas): void {      paper.install(window);     paper.setup(this.papercanvas.nativeelement);      this.imagecanvas.nativeelement.width = this.canvasinnerwidth;     this.imagecanvas.nativeelement.height = this.canvasinnerheight;      // draw image     this.ctx.drawimage(canvas, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height,         0, 0, this.imagecanvas.nativeelement.width, this.imagecanvas.nativeelement.height); }  ...  private combinecanvases() {     this.ctx.drawimage(this.papercanvas.nativeelement, 0, 0, this.papercanvas.nativeelement.width, this.papercanvas.nativeelement.height,             0, 0, this.imagecanvas.nativeelement.width, this.imagecanvas.nativeelement.height); } 

don't know if best way working solution.


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