firebase - Using Custom Tokens to make REST requests to FB DB as an admin -

i'm migrating new database , 3.0 client libs. i'm updating part generates custom auth token (on our server) patch update resource in firebase db.

these patch requests used made our server firebase using admin claims based on this:

for new db, i'm generating jwt token (using ruby-jwt) this:

payload = {   aud: "",   claims: custom_claims.merge({ admin: true }),   exp: now_seconds + (60 * 60), # maximum expiration time 1 hour   iat: now_seconds,   iss: service_account_email,   sub: service_account_email,   uid: uid }  jwt.encode(payload, private_key, "rs256") 

a patch request token firebase db fails with: missing claim 'kid' in auth header.

here equivalent of michael bleigh's answer using ruby googleauth module:

require 'googleauth'  scopes = [ '', ''] auth = ::google::auth.get_application_default(scopes) auth_client = auth.dup auth_client.sub = "" token = auth_client.fetch_access_token! 

you need set google_application_credentials environment variable path of service account json file. value auth_client.sub comes client_email in json file.

of course, above, valid in server application control.

also, making request firebase rest api still exercise reader.



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