database - Manually making wp_options table -

so, got rid of wp_options db table accident , trying recreate or table back.

is there way of doing without reset whole wp db?


you can't restore it, unless have backup of it. check service provider in case have automated backup copy. otherwise, try re-creating table following queries. , activate plugins again.

create table `wp_options` ( `option_id` bigint(20) unsigned not null auto_increment, `option_name` varchar(191) collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci not null default '', `option_value` longtext collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci not null, `autoload` varchar(20) collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci not null default 'yes', primary key (`option_id`), unique key `option_name` (`option_name`) ) engine=innodb auto_increment=1 default charset=utf8mb4 collate=utf8mb4_unicode_ci

put site url , run following queries

insert wp_options values ('1', 'siteurl', 'your_site_url', 'yes');

insert wp_options values ('2', 'home', 'your_site_url', 'yes');

then reactivate plugins. if issues, revert back


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