android - Progress bar sometimes change color -

i use progressbar in layout this:

    <progressbar         android:id="@+id/progress"         android:layout_width="@dimen/default_small_icon_size"         android:layout_height="@dimen/default_small_icon_size"         android:visibility="gone"         style="@style/widget.appcompat.progressbar"         /> 

it's inflated activity layout , thing calling setvisibility(...) either visible or gone.

now issue... of times when enter app , progress bar shown, color set accent color (in case orange) every , when close app , reenter, it's gray...

when similar things have happend in past it's because applicationcontext has been used when creating view, hence not providing proper theme/style. in case defined in xml that's later used in setcontentview(r.layout.activity_layout), should not context issue.

anyone have clue why happening?

app takes time load styles around 1-2 sec depends on device/firmware speed. make sure have same colour - use firmware based styles, have no need loaded , ready use.


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