php - How to Store the Parsed Values in Data base? -

i parsed matches page:

$html = file_get_html(''); $es = $html->find('table td[class=left]'); 

if print values:

echo "matches: $es[37]"; 

its working fine:

matches: 48 

i want store value in data base:

update table set column1=($es[37]) column2='123'; 

its not working. if data type int storing '0' , if data type varchar, storing table td[class=left].

how can store this??

you should use outertext value of td.

what want is:

update table set column1=($es[37]->outertext) column2='123'; 

you can see example of in under "how access html element's attributes?" "tips".

what you're doing accessing whole object , want value of text in html element (that's outertext comes in).

in instances might want go further in php , convert string integer, think mysql in case.


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