javascript - How do I find the sum value of an array of objects in a loop? -
i'm not sure if wording of question accurate based on description of problem please edit if can more accurate.
i trying build stamp duty calculator improve js, have array of objects different "bands" , "percents" using calculate tax based on users input. have attached image better understanding
i displaying amount of tax each band in table , trying find total tax finding sum of values in "tax" column.
currently displaying highest value.
i have tried can thing off , nothing has worked, how can fix this?
here code,
$(function (jquery) { (function stampdutycalculator() { var taxbands = [ { min: 0, max: 125000, percent: 0 }, { min: 125000, max: 250000, percent: 0.02 }, { min: 250000, max: 925000, percent: 0.05 }, { min: 925000, max: 1500000, percent: 0.1 }, { min: 1500000, max: null, percent: 0.12 } ]; var secondtaxbands = [ { min: 0, max: 125000, percent: 0.03 }, { min: 125000, max: 250000, percent: 0.05 }, { min: 250000, max: 925000, percent: 0.08 }, { min: 925000, max: 1500000, percent: 0.13 }, { min: 1500000, max: null, percent: 0.15 } ]; var tablerow = "<tr><td>{taxband}</td><td>{percent}</td><td>{taxable}</td><td class='tax'>{tax}</td></tr>", table = $("#explained-table"), results = $("#results"), effectiverate = $("#effective-rate"); $('#calculate').on('click', function calculatebutton() { if ($("#input-value").val() !== '') { calculatestampduty(); } }); function calculatestampduty() { var bands = taxbands, userinput = parseint($("#input-value").val(), 10), row; if ($('#second-home').is(':checked')) { bands = secondtaxbands; } if (table.length) { table.find("tr:gt(0)").remove(); } var taxablesum = function (x, y) { var maxband = (x !== null) ? math.min(x, userinput) : maxband = userinput; return maxband - y; }, tax = function (taxablesum, x) { return (taxablesum * x).tofixed(2); }, effectiverate = function(tax) { return math.round(tax / userinput * 100).tofixed(1); }, numberwithcommas = function (x) { var parts = x.tostring().split("."); parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\b(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); return parts.join("."); }; (var = 0; < bands.length; i++) { //for loop loop through array of objects var min = bands[i].min, //variables used arguments in functions above, not best practice declare functions in loop max = bands[i].max, pct = bands[i].percent, taxablesum = taxablesum(max, min), tax = tax(taxablesum, pct), erate = effectiverate(tax); if (max !== null) { //replaces template tags min, max , percent values in object row = tablerow.replace("{taxband}", "£" + min + " - " + "£" + max).replace("{percent}", (pct * 100) + "%"); } else { row = tablerow.replace("{taxband}", "£" + min + "+").replace("{percent}", (pct * 100) + "%"); //used last taxband } if (taxablesum < 0) { row = row.replace("{taxable}", "£" + 0 + ".00").replace("{tax}", "£" + 0 + ".00"); } else if (userinput > 1500000) { row = row.replace("{taxable}", "£" + numberwithcommas(taxablesum)).replace("{tax}", "£" + numberwithcommas(tax)); results.text("£" + numberwithcommas(tax)); effectiverate.text(erate + "%"); } else if (userinput > 925000) { row = row.replace("{taxable}", "£" + numberwithcommas(taxablesum)).replace("{tax}", "£" + numberwithcommas(tax)); results.text("£" + numberwithcommas(tax)); effectiverate.text(erate + "%"); } else if (userinput > 250000) { row = row.replace("{taxable}", "£" + numberwithcommas(taxablesum)).replace("{tax}", "£" + numberwithcommas(tax)); results.text("£" + numberwithcommas(tax)); effectiverate.text(erate + "%"); } else if (userinput > 125000) { row = row.replace("{taxable}", "£" + numberwithcommas(taxablesum)).replace("{tax}", "£" + numberwithcommas(tax)); results.text("£" + numberwithcommas(tax)); effectiverate.text(erate + "%"); } else { row = row.replace("{taxable}", "£" + userinput).replace("{tax}", "£" + numberwithcommas(tax)); results.text("£" + (numberwithcommas(tax) * 0)); effectiverate.text(erate * 0 + "%"); } table.append(row); console.log(number(tax) ); } } }()); });
edit here fiddle
some of buttons functionality not completed yet, wanted calculations correct first
check fiddle.
basically create variable outside loop called totaltax
. inside loop add tax value variable.
finally, should not set label text every time, instead set once @ end.
oh btw, tax calculation returns weird values when amount less 20000.
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