Dart's pub get command can't find latest versions of some dependencies -

i've noticed on few occasions when setup dependencies in pubspec.yaml pointing latest version, aren't found when run pub get.

for instance, dependency source_gen. latest version of source_gen 0.5.0+1. i'll setup pubspec.yaml file follows:

dependencies:   source_gen: "^0.5.0+1" 

then run pub get, , following error:

resolving dependencies... package source_gen has no versions match >=0.5.0+1 <0.6.0 derived from: - servererrors depends on version ^0.5.0+1 

i tried several of recent versions, without luck. if following:

dependencies:   source_gen: 

and run pub get, source_gen version 0.4.7 installed. i'm not sure understand why. i'm using dart sdk version 1.16.0. second dependency i've had issue , i'm little confused.

edit: requested gunter, full list of dependencies:

dependencies:   http: "^0.11.3+7"   dartson: "^0.2.5"   intl: "^0.12.7+1"   mailer: "^1.0.0" 

that's known issue of pub. means pub wasn't able resolve compatible set of dependencies. unfortunately error message misleading. pub prints same error when 1 of dependencies isn't compatible used dart sdk version.


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