
Showing posts from March, 2012

javascript - Backbone Model array property change and change event listener not always firing -

this question has answer here: does backbone.models this.get() copy entire array or point same array in memory 1 answer i found strange in backbone using change events. it's model wich has array property. , if property push new value inside , set model change event not fired... here's documented example: var testmodel = backbone.model.extend({ defaults : { numbers : [] }, initialize : function() { this.on('change:numbers', this.changedevent); }, changedevent : function() { console.log('model has changed'); } }); var otestmodel = new testmodel(); otestmodel.set('numbers', [2, 3, 4]); // change:numbers event fired var anumbers = otestmodel.get('numbers'); anumbers.push(5); otestmodel.set('numbers', anumbers); // change:numbers event not fired why??? /

applescript - ...with Properties {name:"***"} not working -

sorry if noob question, trying learn lovely program known applescript. tell application "numbers" ¬ activate end tell application "numbers" ¬ make new document properties {name:"document 3"} end i can use format of script open other application (other iwork) , open up, make new document, , name it, whatever reason not work iwork. i have tried set variable use in {name:variable} or {name:"variable"} no luck. any appreciated, in advance. ps...snide comments tolerated if bring me solution! i have numbers. try this: tell application "numbers" set mydoc make new document properties {name:"document 3"} name of mydoc end tell the results window should show "document 3" . why not working? possibly because window contains document labeled "untitled"? that's because window not show document name until document saved. if choose "save" menu, see document nam

css - Forwarding mouse events to underlying flash -

what i've done have image layer on flash uses webcam take snapshot. positioned image correctly on flash position: absolute. , added wmode: transparent flash embedding. need mouse clicks forwarded flash content, users can allow webcams used. added point-events: none; overlaying image. the situation here everything's displaying correctly cross-browsers, on chrome (windows , mac) i'm able click on "allow" button , able use webcam. on safari, firefox, ie, not letting me click on allow. i'm wondering if there known issues point-events accessing underlying flash item, or i'm having problems flash player. since if switch flash clickable button underneath overlaying image, works fine.

How to change maker in scatter plot in Julia -

i change marker style of 2d scatter plot based on value in vector, displaying 3 dimensions on 2 axes. below i'd , error when try it. x = rand(1:30,100) y = rand(20:30,100) mymarker = [fill("o",50);fill("x",50)] scatter(x,y,marker=mymarker,alpha=0.5) loaderror: pyerror (:pyobject_call) <type 'exceptions.valueerror'> valueerror(u"unrecognized marker style ['o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o&#

Google App Engine's Web Application server and Apache Tomcat -

i read sentence in google resources gae : "google app engine has it's own web application server simulating in desktop environment", so, question is: can deploy google app engine apps (in .war format) on tomcat? thanks help! the short answer is: depends according app engine doc : app engine java applications use java servlet standard interacting web server environment. so simple servlet app, can run on tomcat but the app engine runtime environment imposes constraints ensure app can scaled multiple instances on app engine's distributed infrastructure if have used apis app engine such userservice, or datastore not able run on tomcat. in case, can use development web server app engine sdk dev , test purpose.

php - Storing multiple input values in single field in database and retrieving separately -

so, have form so: <form action="edit.php" method="post" id="content"> <h3>homepage</h3> <hr/> <h4>title: </h4><input type="text" name="userdata[]" value='$userdata[]'><br/> <h4>subtitle: </h4><input type="text" name="userdata[]" value='$userdata[1]'><br/> <h4>footer: </h4><input type="text" name="userdata[]" value='$userdata[2]'><br/> <input type="submit" value="save" name="datasave" id="save"> </form> php submit: if(isset($_post['datasave'])) { $data = $_post['userdata']; $userdata = mysqli_escape_string($con, $data); $query = "update users set userdata = '$userdata' username = '$username'"; mysqli_query($con, $query); } getting v

android - Why apply() is no faster than commit() in SharedPreferences.Editor -

i learned difference between apply() , commit() of sharedpreferences.editor. apply() said asynchronous , safe run on ui thread; commit() said synchronous , not suitable run on ui thread. did simple test click listener in mainactivity: sharedpreferences sharedpreferences = mainactivity.this.getsharedpreferences("synced", 0); sharedpreferences.editor editor = sharedpreferences.edit(); (int = 0; < 100000; ++i) { editor.putstring("index" + i, "index" + i); } log.e("test", system.nanotime() + " sync "); editor.commit(); log.e("test", system.nanotime() + " sync " + sharedpreferences.getstring("index99999", "null")); sharedpreferences sharedpreferences2 = mainactivity.this.getsharedpreferences("asynced", 0); sharedpreferences.editor editor2 = sharedpreferences2.edit(); (int = 0; < 100000; ++i) { editor2.putstring("index2" + i, "index2" + i); } log.e(&quo

javascript - JSON object undefined in IE11 and Tomcat 7 -

i'm experiencing bizarre issue , thought i'd ask help. wrote application runs on tomcat , uses ajax communicate server. server returns json string client , in javascript use json.parse(returnedstring) generate object data. the bizarre thing works on laptop. however, when publish system qa server json object underfined in ie11 debugger. use exact same browser whether running on laptop or off of qa server. , json object there when run laptop , undefined when run qa server. anyone has ideas? i'm running tomcat 7 on qa , tomcat 8 on laptop. tia

java - How to acces local variables in another class -

i making program needs variable main method, when try import using main main = new main(); can't access variable. how can use variable in class? public class main{ public static void main(string[] args){ int = 10; } } public class someclass{ main mainclass = new main(); main.a;//i errors when } that why called "local" variable. available locally in scope defined in , can in no way whatsoever access variable unless add native code , mess dirty pointers. if need a in class , static main method need make a static member of class, pulling outside local scope like public class main{ static int a; public static void main(string[] args){ = 10; } } public class someclass{ main.a; } but think should book java , object oriented development before proceed, because example shows have not many clues both of them.

javascript - Removing file extension and special characters -

hi trying remove file extension , special chracters problem slight difficult thats existing code <script> var pathname = window.location.pathname; pathname = pathname.replace(/[^a-za-z0-9]/g,' '); window.location=""+pathname; </script> in path name there 3 portions forexample /videos-of-stars-and-stellites-etc_fe5eb9bf1.html to best explain url videos-of-stars-and-stellites-etc = video name than comes underscore _ and than fe5eb9bf1= unique video id than lastly .html = extension what want want remove slashes, hyphens, dots , replace them spaces , lastly want remove _fe5eb9bf1.html type of porting urls idea ? so @ end result this videos of stars , stellites etc pathname.replace(/_[^.]+.[a-z]+$/, '').replace(/[^a-za-z0-9]/g,' '); here's fiddle:

java - Generic Stack assistance -

i having hard time below code... trying apple, orange, , banana show push, pull, , peek. however, keep getting 0's import java.util.*; public class genericstackapp { private static int apple; private static int banana; private static int orange; static void showpush(stack st, int apple) { st.push(new integer(apple + banana + orange)); system.out.println("push(" + apple + banana + orange + ")"); system.out.println("stack: " + apple + banana + orange ); } static void showpop(stack st) { system.out.print("pop -> "); integer = (integer) st.pop(); system.out.println(a); system.out.println("stack: " + st); } public static void main(string args[]) { stack st = new stack(); system.out.println("stack: " + st); showpus

go - Pointer receiver and value receiver in Exercise:Image -

i quite new go, , quite confused receiver idea in go. exercise tour of go. question body: remember picture generator wrote earlier? let's write one, time return implementation of image.image instead of slice of data. define own image type, implement necessary methods, , call pic.showimage. bounds should return image.rectangle, image.rect(0, 0, w, h). colormodel should return color.rgbamodel. at should return color; value v in last picture generator corresponds color.rgba{v, v, 255, 255} in one. here code: package main import "" import "image" import "image/color" type image struct{} func (img *image) bounds() image.rectangle{ w := 100 h := 100 return image.rect(0,0,w,h) } func (img *image) colormodel() color.model{ return color.rgbamodel } func (img *image) at(x int, y int) color.color{ return color.rgba{uint8(x^y), uint8(y/2), 255,255} } func main() { m

objective c - Error when adding Supplementary Header View to UICollectionView -

i getting following error implementing supplementary header view terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinternalinconsistencyexception', reason: 'no uicollectionviewlayoutattributes instance -layoutattributesforsupplementaryelementofkind: headerview @ path <nsindexpath: 0x9e82a40> {length = 2, path = 0 - 0}' this code creating header view - (uicollectionreusableview *)collectionview:(uicollectionview *)collectionview viewforsupplementaryelementofkind:(nsstring *)kind atindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath { static nsstring * headeridentifier = @"headerview"; uicollectionreusableview *header = [collectionview dequeuereusablesupplementaryviewofkind:headeridentifier withreuseidentifier:uicollectionelementkindsectionheader forindexpath:indexpath]; return header; } the error happens in dequeuereusablesupplementaryviewofkind method. i have added these 2 lines in initwithcoder of collection view controller uinib *headernib = [uin

json - Get absolute URL path using Node Js Express and possibly ajax -

hi relatively new node.js , have been reading lot topic. @ impasse. trying absolute path of file: example: https://localhost:8080.../public/img/apple.jpg instead getting nothing printed in console or usual: /public/img,apple.jpg below javsscript file run in node. have tried few things apologize if looks "newbie" believe these closest. note: have tried alot inside 'app.get' function never seems print out console. var fs = require('fs'); var http = require("http"); var http = require("http"); var url = require("url"); var req = require('request') http.createserver(function (request, response) { response.writehead(200, {'content-type': 'text/plain'}); var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var path = require('path'); app.get('../img/', function(req, res) { var dir = req.params.dir; console.log(req.originalurl) var

android - How can get google map v2 api key for teamwork -

sorry english not good i have probleam google map api v2 key. work team. , need 1 api key project (android project). posible? or member of team must generate api key run google map ? you can share same api key, provided you're signing app same .apk signing key. by default debug.keystore used signing debug versions of app auto-generated tools , it's different each installation. you'll need share debug.keystore file between team members , configure tools use it. in eclipse configured in preferences -> android -> build -> custom debug keystore. of course, you'll need api key app version signed release.

java - In mule3, how to set a custom expression for choice-when router? -

i new mule, want validate timestamp , nonce parameter uri preventing replay attack. use choice-when router, when timestamp , nonce valid(the validation process complex), forward request backend rest service, otherwise return error code , message. found lot of mel usage choice-when, can define custom expression use java? , there example available? uri example: code snippets: <choice doc:name="choice"> <when expression="???how call java validator???"> </when> <otherwise> <processor-chain doc:name="processor chain"> <echo-component doc:name="echo" /> <http:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" method="post" address="http://localhost:8081#[message.inboundproperties['http.request']]" doc:name="http" /> </processor-chai

php - mysql SELECT not working shows error -

i getting below error: you have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near 'testing order id' here main page.. echo "<div ><a href='secondpage.php?title=".urlencode($row['title'])."'>".wordwrap($row['title'], 35, "<br />\n", true)."</a></div>"; and here second page error appearing on. address bar reads http://localhost/secondpage.php?title=more+testing <?php $mydb = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'test'); $sql = "select * test urlencode(title) =".$_get['title']" order id "; $result = $mydb->query($sql); if (!$result) { echo $mydb->error; } ?> <div> <?php while( $row = $result->fetch_assoc() ){ echo $row['firstname']; } $mydb->close (); ?> </div> you want use urldecode decode encod

php - MySql query works but syntax error in DQL -

this query in mysql gives me result want: select report left join reportcolumn on report.title = "report" however, when try write dql, syntax error. $report = "reportname"; $statement = 'select'; $statement .= ' acmedatabundle:report r'; $statement .= ' left join acmedatabundle:reportcolumn c'; $statement .= ' on'; $statement .= ' r.title = :title'; $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager(); $query = $em->createquery($statement) ->setparameters(array( 'title'=> $report, )); $data = $query->getarrayresult(); how should handling "on" part of statement. relationship defined, if leave part of statement out, wrong results. thanks, manisha acmedatabundle:report acmedatabundle:reportcolumn should

Inserting a character in front of every instance of a certain character in vi -

i have dataset have put excel every time there isn't data point instance, -1 put there instead, messing graph trying make. did research , people said if put asterix (*) before data point in excel, exclude point graph. can type ios vi insert asterix before every instance of -1? thanks! assuming working csv file, should able distinguish -1 -1.4 or 1e-1 seeing if value comma separated. to make pattern easier match, first modify file insert , beginning , end of lines. :%s/.*/,&,/ then, apply substitution of -1 *-1 2 times. second time deal 2 -1 values in row. :%s/,-1,/,*-1,/g :%s/,-1,/,*-1,/g then, remove , beginning , end. :%s/^,\(.*\),$/\1/

How to implement online payment Opencart only after specific changing of status of the order? -

a customer orders goods , chooses online payment payment method. manager checks goods supplier, , change order status "online payment" a customer receives email link payment of order. please, tell me how possible realize prompt or module solves problem (if 1 exists). thanks!

c# - Update gui from Process (on other thread) using async -

the method process.beginoutputreadline() reads output asynchronously on thread other gui's thread. trying find way use async , await in c# code. p = new process(); p.startinfo.useshellexecute = false; p.startinfo.createnowindow = true; p.startinfo.redirectstandardoutput = true; p.startinfo.filename = "mplayer.exe"; p.startinfo.arguments = @"c:\movie.mp4"; p.outputdatareceived += p_outputdatareceived; p.start(); is there way update using async method in process class? not asynchronous methods in .net can used async , await. on there years there have been different async patterns introduced framework. different portions of framework have been implemented using different patterns. have here description of different patterns: in case, interface implemented event-based asynchronous pattern (eap) since there event handler , method initiate. the

android - "No command 'ionic' found" and "workon: command not found" -

i have weird problem in ubuntu 14.04. developing mobile application using ionic api using django-rest-framework. after developing, downloaded jdk , android sdk can build mobile app apk. downloaded android dependencies or tools needed building. after downloaded all, go mobile app folder , type ionic platform add android build it. terminal response "no command 'ionic' found". typing ionic serve responses same. tried activate virtual environment of api using workon mobile responses workon: command not found . have idea might wrong? thanks first check ionic install or not using following command ionic -v it shows version if nothing show install ionic using following command sudo npm install -g ionic else update ionic following command on terminal sudo npm update -g and if have not got result create symbolic link using following command sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node hope !!

Is there any way to put complex conditions and constraints on generic type in Rust -

let me explain in form of pseudo example: trait {} trait b {} trait c {} struct d<t, x> if t: x: not b else if x: b t: c {} i've found way pass this, want way language features. as @chris emerson requested: more explanation: let me explain it, in context of project (it small ray tracer renderer). for example have vertex type has position , normal. have vertex type position , normal , texture coordinate. and in other hand have material type work specific vertex type. i want make constraint check on of functions use vertex , materials example: fn do_something<v, m>(/* arguments */) -> /* returned value */ if v: vertexwithtexturecoordinate m: materialwithtexture else if v: simplevertex m: simplematerial { } this simplest condition facing. i'm new in rust, maybe approach not good. it's not possible. first of all: negative trait bounds (saying not trait foo ) not exist in rust yet. there few rfcs, afa

linux - Docker - Mount a docker volume on separate host partition -

my centos system has 2 partitions. main 1 has 20g & other 1 (mounted on /data ) has 500g. want mount volume on other partition shown below. successful files of partition not being shown in container. this docker-compose file: vvriv: container_name: vvr image: duser/vvr ports: - "9051:80" volumes: - ./application/site:/srv/www/site - /data/static:/srv/www/vvstatic environment: - term=xterm on docker container, can see files of ./application/site inside /srv/www/site files /data/static not being shown in /srv/www/vvstatic . i don't see visible errors. idea why happening? because of different partition?

excel vba - Partial string searches with VBA -

i trying write macro searching , displaying rows of data based on search term partial string (typically 4 characters of potentially 16), complete beginner @ far have following (with gord): private sub worksheet_change(byval target range) dim cell range application.screenupdating = false activesheet .rows.hidden = false 'unhides rows end each cell in activesheet.range("c3:c1000") if cell.value <> activesheet.range("a1").value _ cell.entirerow.hidden = true if activesheet.range("a1").value = "" cell.entirerow.hidden = false end if next range("a1").select 'ready next value input application.screenupdating = true end sub how can define search term partial match not exact match , loose case senstivity? tia duncan the data string has no special characters 0-9 , a-z presumably function suit task. if how macro change? apologies total newbie @ this. tried editing: if active

telerik - Export multiple hidden columns for Kendo grid -

here code exporting multiple hidden columns kendo grid, var exportflag = false; $("#grid").data("kendogrid").bind("excelexport", function (e) { if (!exportflag) { e.sender.showcolumn(0); e.preventdefault(); exportflag = true; settimeout(function () { e.sender.saveasexcel(); }); } else { e.sender.hidecolumn(0); exportflag = false; } }); in above code there given e.sender.showcolumn(0); , need export n th number of columns (export multiple hidden columns) this: e.sender.showcolumn(n); . how possible? you can have array of hidden columns. iterate columns , if index in array show it. function isinarray(value, array) { return array.indexof(value) > -1; } var hidencoll = [1, 2, 3, 4]; // hidden cols indexes for(i=0; i< grid.columns.length; i++) { if (isinarray(i,hidencoll)) grid.showc

PHP code on curl -

this code not showing google home page. please point out error in it. <?php $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, curlopt_url, ""); curl_setopt($curl, curlopt_returntransfer, 1); $result = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); print $result; ?> remember if response string-based; curl automatically encodes response in utf8. might necessary decode string want. otherwise, code ok here variant: <?php $serviceurl = ""; $curl = curl_init(); $settings = array( curlopt_url => $serviceurl, curlopt_post => false, curlopt_returntransfer => true, ); curl_setopt_array($curl, $settings); $response = curl_exec($curl); $response = utf8_decode ( $response ); // <== decodes utf8 encoded string. if(curl_errno($curl)){

android - How can I slide a vertical SeekBar in a ScrollView -

i've made vertical seekbar overriding ondraw method , flipping 90 degrees. need put in scrollview. the actual layout structure is <scrollview> <relativelayout> ... <linearlayout> <com.mypackage.verticalseekbar/> is possible make sure scrollview not touch event of seekbar? try : listview lv = (listview)findviewbyid(; // listview inside scrollview lv.setontouchlistener(new listview.ontouchlistener() { @override public boolean ontouch(view v, motionevent event) { int action = event.getaction(); switch (action) { case motionevent.action_down: // disallow scrollview intercept touch events. v.getparent().requestdisallowintercepttouchevent(true); break; case motionevent.action_up: // allow scrollview intercept touch events. v.getparent

Background Excel and VBA -

i new vba, have excel file white background, how can change in normal excel format default gridlines (not borders) thanks i assume mean change edges of cell, can follows linestyle property. example: range("a26:a27").borders.linestyle = xlcontinuous 'modified edge style range("a26:a27").borders.linestyle = xlnone 'delete edge range("a26").interior.colorindex = 19 'change cell color range("a26").font.bold = true 'put text in bold range("a26").value = "example text"

fileinputstream - create and download the Zip file java -

in application there no of documents(pdf) particular tender. need create zip file pdf files , allow user download it. application done in javaee struts , mysql. when user clicks download button action class gets called. code not give exceptions not prompt user download either. please me find wrong in code. following source code of action class.. public class actdownloaddoczip extends action { static logger logger = logger.getlogger(actdownloaddoczip.class); public actionforward execute(actionmapping mapping, actionform form, httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response) throws exception { string realpath = getservlet().getservletcontext().getrealpath( "/web-inf/log4jconfiguration.xml"); domconfigurator.configure(realpath);"in actdownloaddoczip...."); actionforward forward = null; httpsession session = request.getsession(); // db connection connection conn = null; string

php - XAMPP apache service not start -

when trying start apache services show following erron in error block panel 11:51:30 [apache] status change detected: stopped 11:51:30 [apache] error: apache shutdown unexpectedly. 11:51:30 [apache] may due blocked port, missing dependencies, 11:51:30 [apache] improper privileges, crash, or shutdown method. 11:51:30 [apache] press logs button view error logs , check 11:51:30 [apache] windows event viewer more clues 11:51:30 [apache] if need more help, copy , post this 11:51:30 [apache] entire log window on forums plese me hello if using skype skype tools->options->advanced->connection in check use-port there 1 text box may there default port using 80 make box empty. , save logout skype , login again skype use port other 80 apache working fine. and there other solution can change default port apache 80 other apache httpd.conf servername localhost:80 other free port servername localhost:81 may helps you.

c# - How to select(changing color) dynamically created button in continuous way without skip -

i have dynamically created buttons, eg 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8; if select 2,3,4, can't select 6 , skip 4. or can say, if select 2,3,4,5,6 if want deselect 4 have deselect 5 , 6 first. private void getcontrols() { count++; (int = 10; < 12; i++) { (int j = 0; j < 60; j += 15) { button btn = new button(); btn.text = + "-" + j; = + "." + j; btn.command += new commandeventhandler(this.btn_click); // += btn_click; flag = true; btn.commandname = + "-" + j; if (count==1) { placeholder1.controls.add(btn); list<string> createdcontrols = session["controls"] != null ? session["controls"] list<string> : new list<string>(); if (!

eclipse - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.SessionFactory -

good morning; during 3 or 2 months eclipse works without problem; at night, pc blocked , forced shutdown , open th eclipse after runing project, there errors occured :/ pleaaaaase need help!!! and sorry because it's long :/ org.springframework.beans.factory.beancreationexception: error creating bean name '': cannot resolve reference bean '' while setting bean property 'sourcelist' key [9]; nested exception org.springframework.beans.factory.beancreationexception: error creating bean name '': cannot resolve reference bean '' while setting constructor argument key [3]; nested exception org.springframework.beans.factory.beancreationexception: error creating bean name &

angularjs - How to perform scroll down/up using protractor E2E testing -

i new protractor e2e test. need scroll on map using protractor , select location on it. didnt find way of automatically performing scroll on map section on internet asking on forum. <map-edit-panel poi-icons="inactive" zoombarrier="16.5" class="full-map-image" mode="location" show-editor="true" filter="nvt_link" show-zoom="true" id="mapcontainer"><!-- ngif: showzoom --><div ng-if="showzoom" class="map-ui-right-center ng-scope"> <div ng-click="geolocate()" class="map-ui-zoom-control map-ui-geolocate"></div> <div ng-click="zoomin()" class="map-ui-zoom-control map-ui-zoom-control-up"></div> <div ng-click="zoomout()" class="map-ui-zoom-control map-ui-zoom-control-down"></div> this code map section , need perform automated scroll up/down it. please share valuable ideas.

c# - asp net MVC 5 SiteMap - build breadcrumb to another controller -

i developing breadcrumbs asp net mvc e-commerce. have controller categories. looks this: public class categorycontroller : appcontroller { public actionresult index(string cat1, string cat2, string cat3, int? page) { ... code // build breadcrumbs parent cats int indexer = 0; foreach(var item in parcategories) //parcategories - list of parent categories { string currcatindex = new stringbuilder().appendformat("category{0}", indexer + 1).tostring(); //+2 cause arr index begins 0 var currnode = sitemaps.current.findsitemapnodefromkey(currcatindex); currnode.title= parcategories.elementat(indexer).name; indexer++; } string finalcatindex = new stringbuilder().appendformat("category{0}", categorydepth + 1).tostring(); var node = sitemaps.current.findsitemapnodefromkey(finalcatindex); node.title =;