
Showing posts from March, 2013

ruby - How to click Dropdown list -

<div id="ab100"> <iframe width="1000" height="600" src="..."> <!doctype html> <html xmlns=""> <head> <body> <form id="form1" action=".." method="post"> <select id="abl03" style="..">..\',\'\')', 0)" name="l03ue"> <option value="0" selected="selected"><select value></option> <option value="1">ab</option> <option value="2">ad</option> <option value="3">bc</option> <option value="4">ca</option> </select> </div> when want click on ddl, this: browser.select_list(:id => 'ab103').select('ca')

javascript - JQuery Each Function Give Style Dependant On List Level - Resolved just needs explaining -

list example; inbox sub-folder 1 sub-folder 2 sub-folder 3 sub-folder 1 sub-folder 1 sub-folder 2 sub-folder 2 sub-folder 4 sub-folder 5 important sent draft trash promotions news list example source <ul class="inbox-nav" id="inbox-nav"> <li class="active"> <a href="javascript:;" data-type="inbox" data-title="inbox"> <div class="arrow"></div> inbox <span class="badge badge-success">3</span> </a> <ul> <li><a href="javascript:;" data-type="inbox" data-title="sub_1">sub-folder 1</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;" data-type="inbox" data-title="sub_2">sub-folder 2</a></li> <li> <a href="javascript:;" data-type=&quo

SQLITE insert into database issue Windows Phone C# -

i totally new in wp development, interested learn. i have little problem when try insert data sqlite database. weird thing when input data there no problem , doesn't throw exception. when try close apps , open again simulator data showing, when open database.sqlite sqlite manager firefox addons, data not there. table still empty. please me out. private void btnaddexpense_click(object sender, routedeventargs e) { datetime datenow =; string format = "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"; string d = datenow.tostring(format); string formatid = "yyyymmddhhmmss"; string id = datenow.tostring(formatid); int rec; string strinsert = " insert expense (date,id_category,nominal,detail,icon) values (@date,@id_category,@nominal,@detail,@icon)"; expense tst = new expense { date = d, id_category

install - Assertion error from 'pip list' in virtualenv. -

pip list throwing assertion error , i'm not sure how resolve. has happened after building 2 packages (pyublas-2013.1 , boost_1_54_0) source. using virtualenv. error below; (virtenv)[user@xyz ~]$ pip list beautifulsoup4 (4.2.1) biopython (1.61) distribute (0.6.35) methylpy (0.1.0) mysql-python (1.2.4) numpy (1.7.1) pip (1.4) py (1.4.15) pytest (2.3.5) pyublas (2013.1) exception: traceback (most recent call last): file "/home/user/virtenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/", line 134, in main status =, args) file "/home/user/virtenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/commands/", line 80, in run self.run_listing(options) file "/home/user/virtenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/commands/", line 127, in run_listing self.output_package_listing(installed_packages) file "/home/user/virtenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/commands/", line 136, in output_package_listing if d

Diawi iOS IPA upload failed -

i getting below error last 24 hours during ipa upload through diawi distribution web site - an error occurred: request requires access token, none provided (#400) please refer attach screenshot. have tried old ipa works diawi few days ago same error thanks in advance help. this same problem faced in mozila firefox. works fine in google chrome try chrome uploading. once done, alerts uploading done successfully. you have load page , showing process of loading in upper side of page. once loading done showing upload ipa option in uploading area.

Use XML DTD as template to generate XML in C# -

only xml dtd provided. how create xml giving class? for simple dtd, can use regular expression extract fields , populate xml. there systematic way? you can create xsd schema dtd using visual studio. open dtd in visual studio , 'create schema' function. there, can use xsd.exe command line utility generate class >> xsd yourschema.xsd /c. newly generated class, can use xmlserializer serialize object xml.

javascript - MVC4 AngularJS Removing # From Urls In Areas Applications -

before posting question searched , tried out many examples well. for problem there similar post not working too. here structure of whole application: here structure of admin area : project has 2 applications 1 client , admin : admin managed through areas i have used angular 1.3.5 , used inside areas. the landing page index page of home controller path :- areas/admin/views/home/index.cshtml layout _layout path : areas/admin/views/shared/_layout.cshtml routeconfig.cs file of inside app_start folder : namespace stockmanagment { public class routeconfig { public static void registerroutes(routecollection routes) { routes.ignoreroute("{resource}.axd/{*pathinfo}"); routes.maproute( name: "default", url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}", defaults: new { controller = "home", action = "index", id = urlparameter.optional },

php - Qrcode generate by id in laravel -

i have qrcode in there have trouble. in app want qrcode can auto generate code work exiting not make qrcode show code text. can tell me how fix ? so, there view : <div class="col-lg-12 code"> {!! qrcode::size(250)->generate('<?php echo $row->name?>'); !!} <p>scan locations.</p> </div> and controller, : public function getedit($id) { $data['row'] = locations::find($id); return view('locations_form',$data); } public function posteditsave($id) { $simpan= array(); $simpan['name']=request::input('name'); $simpan['id_cms_companies']=request::input('id_cms_companies'); db::table('locations')->where('id', $id)->update($simpan); session::flash('edit', 'data berhasil di edit'); return redirect::to('locations'); } and table :

Kendo UI Grid to Excel Format header in MVC 5 -

i can export excel kendo ui grid. want format header of file excel before export. to format cell values, set format option of cells hope you.

Implementing Table specific Audit Trail for postgresql -

i using postgresql 9.3 , in application need keep audit trail each table of schema. need read , perform action based on events recorded in logs. reading few blogs came know audit trail extension of postgresql, not understood how implement it. need upgrade postgresql 9.4?

ruby on rails - How to save data from a file which doesn't have column names? -

i have table following fields: # == schema information # # table name: scheme_details # # id :integer not null, primary key # scheme_id :integer not null # nav_date :datetime # nav_price :float # repurchase_price :float # sale_price :float # closing_date :datetime # net_change :float # prev_nav :float # prev_nav_date :datetime # upd_flag :string(1) # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # change :float # now getting data file ace file extension ftp server, doesn't have column names. following sample data of file. <<row>>1|5/24/2016 12:00:00 am|1000.49|1000.49|1000.49||0|0|1000.49|5/23/2016 12:00:00 am|a<</row>> <<row>>2|5/24/2016 12:00:00 am|2350.0193|2350.0193|2350.0193||0.0210084954593086|0.493599999999788|2349.5257|5/23/2016 12:00:00 am|a<</row>> <<r

Error: Body of dispform.aspx of Sharepoint foundation 2013 is disappear -

i using sharepoint 2013 foundation, create announcement, after create [new announcement] save. the content of body field disappear in dispform.aspx appear on newform.aspx , editform.aspx i don't know why. click view error page please help

How to create pairs from a single column based on order of occurrence in R? -

i have dataset follows: timestamp,session,event 5/23/2016 13:00,1,a 5/23/2016 13:20,1,b 5/23/2016 13:40,1,c 5/23/2016 14:00,2,b 5/23/2016 15:00,2,c 5/23/2016 15:20,3,b 5/23/2016 15:40,3,c 5/23/2016 16:00,3,d i trying build ordered pairs of events within session sorted timestamp. objective build data input sankey charts needs following format: start,end,value a,b,1 b,c,3 c,d,1 i have not been able figure out yet. can think of using recursive query within sqldf. wondering if there more efficient way of doing this. sorry first time posting on stackoverflow , not figure out how show dataset, hence pasting pictures. apologize inconvenience. using dplyr : library(dplyr) df <- cbind(dataset[1:nrow(dataset)-1,], dataset[2:nrow(dataset),]) names(df) <- c("timestamp1", "session1", "event1", "timestamp2", "session2", "event2") > df %>% filter(session1==session2) %>% count(event1, event2) source:

php - Detect if a youtube channel exists anymore & don't display if it gives Error? -

so, after making new youtube page, noticed of current users have linked youtube channels via youtube api , our database, of users channels give error, no longer exist. so creating subscribe buttons code in echo in function. <div class="g-ytsubscribe" data-channelid="'.$youtube_info['channel_id'].'" data-layout="full" data-count="default" data-onytevent="onytevent"></div> so can see, fetch data database , contacts youtube fetch channel info. of users channels no longer exist, wondered if there way detect this? , not display particular user being displayed @ all? so query function. $query = "select user_id, yt_channeltitle, channel_id points channel_id !='' , yt_channeltitle != '' "; $query .="order channel_id desc limit " . ($objectsperpage*2) . " offset " . $_session['last_record']; i

login - Can I get the name and age of the person who has "Logged In With PayPal" in my app? -

i'm developing crowdfunding service application, , want information of person wants funded service. i'm using paypal gathering money people, , takes money has complete project goal. to prevent cheating , check age, have personal information project owner , verify them. i'm wondering if can information paypal when project owner logges in paypal application. is there way can verified name , age users of app via paypal? no. it's not possible. best shot include question in website yourself, , hope user honest. lie in paypal form anyway. paypal not giving personal information away.

java - How do the javac command line flags CLASSPATH and -d work in the script below? -

can tell me meaning of batch file code below? know meaning of first line sets path current framework directory need meaning of second , third line. cd /d %~dp0framework set classpath=..\framework*;..\framework.;..\framework\lib*; javac -d . *.java pause the line set classpath=..\framework*;..\framework.;..\framework\lib*; tells javac where find classes need (depend on) the -d . sets destination directory compiled classes current directory . please note there . after -d . . on command line means current directory (or called working directory in dos). if put in -d c:\tmp (you might have try c:\\tmp - not familiar dos) , have such directory, output go there. hope helps.

c# - How to Customize screen AP Release All and AR Relase All in Acumatica ERP System -

i have problem in customize screen ar relase (ar501000). problem when try pass value of invoice number (customer order's field) in screen invoices , memos (ar301000) using screen ar release process (ar501000) using checkbox. first, create gltranextension below : using system; using; using; using px.objects.cs; using; using; using px.objects.tx; using system.collections.generic; using px.objects; using; namespace sglcustomizeproject { [serializable] public class gltranextension: pxcacheextension<> { #region usrinvoicenbr public abstract class usrinvoicenbr : ibqltable { } [pxdbstring(60, isfixed = true)] [pxuifield(displayname = "vendor ref. / customer order")] public string usrinvoicenbr { get; set; } #endregion } } and try create customize arreleaseprocessextension. below customize code : using system; using system.collections.generic; us

Disable user interaction form MapView in react-native -

how turn of user interaction element in react native, similar ios, mapview in case. userinteraction = false thanks you can use differents props mapview has disable interaction: pitchenabled rotateenabled scrollenabled zoomenabled if feel it's not enough, feel free submit pr react native implement userinteraction prop directly.

Python equivalent of Scala's lazy val -

i'm trying port scala code python project , came across following bit of scala code: lazy val numnonzero = weights.filter { case (k,w) => w > 0 }.keys weights long list of tuples of items , associated probability weighting. elements added , removed list checking how many elements have non-zero probability relatively rare. there few other rare-but-expensive operations in code i'm porting seem benefit usage of lazy val . idiomatic python way similar scala's lazy val ? generator expression >>> weights = [(1,2), (2,0), (3, 1)] >>> numnonzero = (k k, w in weights if w > 0) >>> next(numnonzero) 1 >>> next(numnonzero) 3 >>> next(numnonzero) traceback (most recent call last): file "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> stopiteration >>> next(numnonzero, -1) -1 >>> numnonzero = (k k, w in weights if w > 0) >>> k in numnonzero: ... print(k) ... 1 3 pyth

c# - How to get the value of input type checkbox in RepeaterItems (ASP.NET)? -

i have button delete message database cant value checked checkbox in repeateritem. how can that? btndelete: protected void btndelete_click(object sender, eventargs e) { foreach (repeateritem aitem in rptinbox.items) { htmlinputcheckbox chk = (htmlinputcheckbox)aitem.findcontrol("chkrow"); if (chk.checked == true) { string id = chk.value.tostring(); sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(constr); sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand("delete mailbox mailboxid='"+id+"'", con); try {; cmd.executenonquery(); } catch (exception er) { } { con.close(); } } } } this html: <asp:repeater id="rptinbox" runat="server"> <itemtemplate> <tr> <td>&l

how git synchronize between two different folder with same repository -

see picture above,every node indicate commit a repository when @ c node, clone repository in 2 different folder foldera/folderb at foldera reason rollback c node , change forward d node, push remote then want floderb synchronize remote , run git pull command, auto merge foldera log history * dd0b2ef add file * d795c47 first init folderb log history * 2d7dd9d merge branch 'master' of http://.../git-test |\ | * dd0b2ef add file * | 186db65 second commit |/ * d795c47 first init how let folderb auto rollback b not merge if understand question correcly, want folderb follow happens on origin . in case, can use git fetch origin # updates origin (but don't apply them) git reset --hard origin/master # reset working tree match origin/master git clean -fd # remove untracked files, match origin/master

eclipse - Can I use one S3 bucket for upload different java lambda function? -

currently using different s3 bucket every function. ex. have 3 java lambda function created on eclipse ide . registeruser loginuser resetpassword i uploading lambda function through eclipse ide , i have upload function through amazon s3 bucket . i create 3 amazon s3 bucket upload 3 function. my question : can upload 3 lambda function using 1 amazon s3 bucket ? or i have create separate amazon s3 bucket for function.? you don't need upload bucket. can upload function code via command line well. recommend not using web interface large lambda functions, other methods ok, , command line option. however, if want upload bucket first, give each zip file contains function code different filename , you're good.

set default ping deadline in linux -

i want set default deadline ping in settings file or so. program hangs when trying connect non-pinging ip address. in terminal can call "ping -w 5" , wont last forever, can't set deadline in code. shell solution: in .bashrc add following: function ping { /bin/ping $@ -w5 } this create wrapper function, set timeout 5 seconds calls ping note: version above overwrite -w param used on command line. if still want able overwrite default timeout via command line place -w5 before $@ : function ping { /bin/ping -w5 $@ } pure c solution: i won't give full example here brevity. may find 1 here example. in given example, you'll have replace recvfrom() call reads icmp response , may block select() or poll() call timeout.

javascript - How to set a default value -

here how extend immutable.record import immutable 'immutable'; const data_defaults = { id: string, data: string, ref_id: string, }; export default class data extends immutable.record(data_defaults) {} if json representation not contain ref_id , when try print value of field in console of chrome devtool, get: > data.ref_id string() { [native code] } i think reason why cannot filter out entities empty ref_id in list a = [] // list of data b = a.filter(x => x.ref_id != '') // b same i suppose can fixed either: set default value field in immutable.record instance when field missing in json data use way detect if field not set in instance for second approach, have tried, example, data.has('ref_id') , report true regardless if field has valid value. my questions: 1) can set default value in immutable.record ? 2) how filter on field may or may not exist in immutable.record 3) right way test existence of valid value i

visual studio - Trigger VNext Build with VNext Build -

we used run xaml builds, there start 1 build another, example let gc run integration test workflow afterwards , on. in vnext there no way trigger other buils. how can make happen? this feature under plan, don't have yet. check this user voice , , qa on this website : can chain builds 1 build triggers another? not yet.

How to print double quotes (") in R -

i want print screen double quotes (") in r, not working. typical regex escape characters not working: > print('"') [1] "\"" > print('\"') [1] "\"" > print('/"') [1] "/\"" > print('`"') [1] "`\"" > print('"xml"') [1] "\"xml\"" > print('\"xml\"') [1] "\"xml\"" > print('\\"xml\\"') [1] "\\\"xml\\\"" i want return: " "xml" " which use downstream. any ideas? use cat : cat("\" \"xml\" \"") or cat('" "','xml','" "') output: " "xml" " alternative using noqoute : noquote(" \" \"xml\" \" ") output : " "xml" " another option using dqoute : d

java - Is there clean way to pass context data to @Asynchronous ejb call? -

in wildfly execute stateless ejb method asynchronously (it mapped @asynchronous annotation). in calling method have context information in thread local. best way pass data async method? don't want add additional parameter async method signature. essentially have 2 options: passing value parameter storing value in global place. static variable. the first option cleaner , easier. don't use second 1 :)

node.js - Limit fields in MongoDB response -

i doing join using $lookup , i'm getting field, including not required, need restrict it. here query exports.query = function (req, res) { questionlist.aggregate([{ $match : { topicname : req.query.topicname } }, { $lookup : { : "questions", localfield : "queslist.queslistname", foreignfield : "queslistname", : "queslistcount" } } ], { queslist : 0 }, function (err, questionlist) { console.log(questionlist); if (err) { return handleerror(res, err); } return res.status(200).json(fndata(questionlist)); }); }; the response getting { _id : "57453e45a11c97483f97a4c9", queslist : { : "swathi", queslistname : "controller question list

css - Flexbox body and main min-height - i'm trying have body expand min-height not work. i've read other related topics can't head around it. html inside body <div class="menu">menu</div> <div class="wrap"> <div class="sidebar">sidebar</div> <div class="main">main</div> </div> <div class="footer">footer</div> css body, html { padding: 0; margin: 0; min-height: 100%; } body { display: flex; background: #eee; flex-direction: column; } .menu { background: red; color: #fff; padding: 10px; } .wrap { display: flex; } .sidebar { background: #ddd; width: 300px; } .main { background: #ccc; flex: 1; } .footer { background: #000; color: #fff; padding: 10px; } expected result main streched fill height if it's less 100%. use flex: 1 on centered element: .site { display:

ruby on rails - How do i improve this method -

is there better way this. looking alternate way solve problem def validate_work_dates if ld_work_start_date.present? && off_work_date.present? if ld_work_start_date > off_work_date self.errors.add(:base, "work start date can't greater off work date") , return false end elsif ld_work_start_date.present? && !off_work_date.present? self.errors.add(:base, "off work date can't blanck") , return false elsif off_work_date.present? && !ld_work_start_date.present? self.errors.add(:base, "work start date cant't clanck") , return false end end you can use rails presence validator start , end date. validates :ld_work_start_date, presence: true validates :off_work_date, presence: true then use own validation method check start date before end date. validate :start_date_before_end_date, if:{|x| x.ld_work_start_date.present? &&

maven - Ant - How to direct where files are saved to -

in build.xml file, able search multiple folders .jmx files use in jmeter. want save output files, .jtl files in 1 folder in different location. being saved in same folder structure jmx files being read from. so example have jmx files in root folder called jtesting, 2 folders inside called basket , customer. within each of these folders, there folder called jmxfiles contains .jmx files. path looks this: jtesting/basket/jmxfiles & jtetsing/customer/jmxfiles my ant file pulls these files out fine, when saving .jtl files, want store in results/jtl folder structure, instead saves as: results/jtl/basket/jmxfiles & results/jtl/customer/jmxfiles so adds folder structure got files. code below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <project default="all"> <!-- define environment variable pointing jmeter folder or change --> <property environment="env"/> <property name="

java - Inject not working for nested objects[Jersey 2.22.1] -

i have jersey resource facade object injected. configured in resourceconfig , facade gets injected fine. facade contains dao class should injected , configured in same resourceconfig . problem; dao class null. thus, not injected. @applicationpath("/service") public class systemsetup extends resourceconfig { public systemsetup() { packages(false, ""); packages("org.glassfish.jersey.jackson"); register(jacksonfeature.class); final lockmanager manager = getlockmanager(); final sessionfactory sessionfactory = getsessionfactory(); register(new abstractbinder() { @override protected void configure() { bindfactory(injectfactory.getdaofactory(sessionfactory)).to(dao.class).in(singleton.class); bindfactory(injectfactory.getfacadefactory(manager)).to(facade.class).in(singleton.class); } }); } @path("/") @produces("text/json") public class viewre

Get value from a select option and echo content in the header in WordPress -

in theme options allowing users set page 404 template. (which means can create normal page , choose page 404 template). added page dropdown using wp_dropdown_pages() . now want echo noindex,nofollow meta values page user choose obvious seo reasons. tried not work. function noindex_404(){ global $post; $option = $_post['404_id']; // $post_val = '2'; if ($post->id == $option){ //if ($post->id == $post_val) // if try direct post value, it's working echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">'; } } add_action('wp_head', 'noindex_404', 1); the following html created wp_dropdown_pages() , page 2 selected under option name of 404_id option value of 2 <select name="404_id" id="404"> <option value="1">page 1</option> <option value="2" selected="selected">page 2</option>

wpf - Some applications render black frames WPFMediaKit -

i have weird bug can't understand. i using wpfmediakit library in 1 of programs. when using library in near empty new "demo" wpf solution, image usb camera source rendered mediacaptureelement class. however, using more complex solution, same library (without changes), frame gets rendered black. can see there connection camera , goes well, directshow graph built , looks fine, besides black frames. can open camera properties , see pushing out frames usual. also, happens on dell e6540 (with amd , intel hd gpu) if it's windows 7. windows 8/10 work fine. have tried lot of drivers nothing seems change output. i have no clue or try. after many hours , after deciding post question, found answer. the more complex solution, under amd settings application set use "high performance" mode, mode automatically enabled on windows 7 reason. disabling , setting "none" or "lower power" fixed issue. doesn't change fact there issue

jquery - javascript error message not showing on ie9 -

the error message when click on search button without capturing showing on browsers , not showing on ie9. how fix this?` function senddata() { $("#searcherror").css("visibility", "hidden"); var id = $('#number').val(); errormessage = ""; if (id == null || id == "") errormessage = "please enter valid number"; else if (id.length < 13) errormessage = "please enter valid number"; if (errormessage.length > 0) { $("#searcherror").css("visibility", "visible"); $("#searcherrortext").text(errormessage); $("#number").focus(); return "false"; } } <button class="bob-btn-info" onclick="senddata()">search</button> ` internet options>advanced tab, check "allways record error console messages" load website, press f12 display developer tool.. errors have occurred

python - Neo4j 3.0.1 - Neomodel 2.0.7 - Parameter provided for node creation is not a Map -

i trying out neomodel source code make work neo4j 3.0.1. facing eeror saying parameters provided node creation not map. {u'errors': [{u'message': u'parameter provided node creation not map', u'code': u'neo.clienterror.statement.typeerror'}], u'results': []} traceback (most recent call last): file "/users/adaggula/documents/workspace/collective[i]-pve/", line 32, in <module> jim = person(name='jim5').save() file "/users/adaggula/workspace/python/pve/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neomodel/", line 25, in hooked val = fn(self, *args, **kwargs) file "/users/adaggula/workspace/python/pve/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neomodel/", line 160, in save self._id = self.create(self.__properties__)[0]._id file "/users/adaggula/workspace/python/pve/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neomodel/", line 290, in create

Appcelerator Titanium Facebook module is not working on some iOS devices -

i made application requires logging facebook (via facebook module). application fulfilled test requirements , distributed via google play , appstore. during tests had no problems logging in via facebook. same appstore version. i show facbook authorization window after pressing pressing logging button fires: myapp.fb.authorize(); i did steps described in documentation (including initialize() etc) , works on test devices , when download appstore. problem have feedback many ios users (and video proof) facebook authorization window not show on many ios devices (user click button , nothing happend). couldn't find reason because affects: - different version of ios, - different devices. no particular connection. i have no device have same problem cannot test , check causes error. does encountered such problem? thanks in advance try latest releases, it's worked release facebook module

java - Ant doesn't build second jar -

i have intellij project trying create 2 jars. have setup buildfile , run build artifacts. however, first jar comes up. try more information ran command line command: ant -buildfile buildfile.xml in result following: artifact.jar1:jar: [mkdir] created dir: ~/projects/proj1/__artifacts_temp/jar1_jar [jar] building jar: ~/projects/proj1/__artifacts_temp/jar1.jar [copy] copying 1 file ~/projects/proj1/__artifacts_temp/jar1_jar artifact.jar2:jar: [mkdir] created dir: ~/projects/proj1/__artifacts_temp/jar2_jar [jar] building jar: ~/projects/proj1/__artifacts_temp/1/jar2.jar [copy] copying 1 file ~/projects/proj1/__artifacts_temp/jar2_jar so looks both jars created. however... next output more discouraging. build.all.artifacts: [copy] copying 1 file ~/projects/proj1 [delete] deleting directory ~/projects/proj1/__artifacts_temp i have absolutely no idea why copy 1 of jar

gruntjs - Pass the name of watched file that changed as argument to a shell command -

i have collection of .svg files. when modify 1 of them, grunt re-run command on each svg file modified inkscape --file=filename.svg --export-pdf=filename.pdf so far, have grunt script module.exports = function (grunt) { 'use strict'; grunt.initconfig({ shell: { figures: { command: 'inkscape --file=filename.svg --export-pdf=filename.pdf' } }, watch: { figs: { files: '**/*.svg', tasks: ['shell:figures'] } } }); grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-shell'); grunt.registertask('default', [watch']); }; but have no idea how configure grunt in order replace filename name of each file modified. i solved issue using config variable modified on watch event before shell:figs runs module.exports = function (grunt) { 'use strict'; // project configuration grunt.initconfig({ shell: { figs: { command: function(

ios - How to use SDWebImage in my project -

iam using collectionview load image.these images loaded url in background thread. hence scrolling not smooth.the images in url expired after seconds hence want update image new can use sdwebimage load image , make scrolling smooth? can please me solve this. use code [your_cell_name.your_image_name setimagewithurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:@"image url"] placeholderimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"placeholder image name"]];

SQL comparing all values in a many-one table -

i have table follows column1 column2 1 2 b 2 i need write sql query go through table , return me column 2 values have both , b in column 1. try this: select column2 mytable column1 in ('a', 'b') group column2 having count(distinct column1) = 2

mapping ajax data to jquery -

i having json data as data.json file { "response":[ {"id":1,"name":"crime","rel":4}, {"id":2,"name":"murder","rel":5}, {"id":3,"name":"horror","rel":6}, {"id":4,"name":"comedy","rel":1}, {"id":5,"name":"novel","rel":2,} ] } and ajax call is.. document.onreadystatechange = function () { if (document.readystate == "interactive") { $.ajax({ url: "data.json", type: "get", datatype: "json", success: function (response) { "use strict"; main(response); } }); } } and want rel attribute of each item trying jquery mapping $.fn.tagcloud = function(options) { var opts = $.extend(

php - Working with CSV sepereatet with Paragraph -

on git found following script: function csv_to_array($filename='', $delimiter=';') { if(!file_exists($filename) || !is_readable($filename)) return false; $header = null; $data = array(); if (($handle = fopen($filename, 'r')) !== false) { while (($row = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, $delimiter)) !== false) { if(!$header) $header = $row; else $data[] = array_combine($header, $row); } fclose($handle); } return $data; } my csv looks this: testentry1 testentry2 testentry3 testentry4 the data matching each other seperatet paragraph. how rework script can work data ? greats!

python - TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'parent' -

i building application in google app engine cloud datastore backend. my model base class from google.appengine.ext import ndb class cfcmodel(ndb.model): """ base model can inherit other models. test """ created_date = ndb.datetimeproperty(auto_now=true) modified_date = ndb.datetimeproperty(auto_now_add=true) the class model inherits class praisereport(cfcmodel): def __init__(self): self.username = ndb.stringproperty(repeated=true) = ndb.stringproperty(required=true) super(praisereport, self).__init__() i trying create object key = praisereportrepository.get_praise_report_key() praise_report_model = praisereport(parent=key) praise_report_model.username = praise_report.username = praise_report_model.put() and following error error 2016-05-25 09:34:59,882] exception on /forms/add_praise_report [get] traceback (most r

angularjs - ngCordova in Angular JS Web Application -

i not expert in angular , have started learning it, trying create responsive form in angularjs web application let me upload file or photo mobile browser (not mobile app). before upload through mobile browser, should check native settings of mobile device (not browser settings settings of mobile device). achieve using ngcordova it's wrapper $cordovafiletransfer. have normal project in eclipse , have included below files in index page(i have stored these files locally in project). cordova.js file.js filetransfer.js ng-cordova.js ng-cordova.min.js since using eclipse, tried install thym plugin wouldn't install in work space. below controller code. angular.module('app').controller( 'cordovactrl', function($scope, $timeout, $cordovafiletransfer) { document.addeventlistener("deviceready", function( $cordovafiletransfer) { alert("inside cordova controller - deviceready");

javascript - Polymer focus() has to be wrapped in setTimeout() to work? -

when trying give focus polymer element i've have wrap in settimout, in case it's polymer paper-input element. this: settimeout(function() { paperinput.focus(); }, 10); i've read different stackoverflow posts on subject focus() polymer elements , i've seen of them have same problem. can't accept fact works when wrap want know why dose not work when don't wrap it. so question is, why? why have wrap in settimeout ? using polymer 1.4 @ moment. i've noticed same behaviour in older versions. thanks! update i've tried reproduce problem, works. i'll bet problem in own environment: jsbin i keep post updated if find solution problem. help. in simple case, no other elements on page except <paper-input> , there seems no problem focus() . <head> <base href=""> <script src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>

solace - How to do Kerberos client authentication .Net api 7.1 -

i using solace middle-ware client , server communication. want move none kerberos authentication. servers unix , configured kerberos authentication. client .net desktop gui application. , there multiple users. i have question regarding client kerberos authentication. do need keytab file connect server , keytab file should common users or keytab file should create each users credentials. what if password changes? do need ask users install java kinit or krb5? what setting/configuration required on client side? thanks in advance..! you need add keytab solace's /keytabs directory. configure keys keytab tab solace's registered key table after file has been added, enter following kerberos keytab authentication config cli command: solace(config-kerberos keytab)# add-keytab <keytab-filename> <index> the number of keytab files dependent on setup. typically, there 1 keytab file per ip address common users if setup requires greater control, can ad