jquery - javascript error message not showing on ie9 -

the error message when click on search button without capturing showing on browsers , not showing on ie9. how fix this?`

function senddata() {   $("#searcherror").css("visibility", "hidden");   var id = $('#number').val();   errormessage = "";   if (id == null || id == "") errormessage = "please enter valid number";   else if (id.length < 13) errormessage = "please enter valid number";     if (errormessage.length > 0) {     $("#searcherror").css("visibility", "visible");     $("#searcherrortext").text(errormessage);     $("#number").focus();     return "false";   } } 
<button class="bob-btn-info" onclick="senddata()">search</button> 


internet options>advanced tab, check "allways record error console messages"

load website, press f12 display developer tool.. errors have occurred listed in developer tool console.


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