wpf - Some applications render black frames WPFMediaKit -

i have weird bug can't understand.

i using wpfmediakit library in 1 of programs. when using library in near empty new "demo" wpf solution, image usb camera source rendered mediacaptureelement class. however, using more complex solution, same library (without changes), frame gets rendered black. can see there connection camera , goes well, directshow graph built , looks fine, besides black frames. can open camera properties , see pushing out frames usual.

also, happens on dell e6540 (with amd , intel hd gpu) if it's windows 7. windows 8/10 work fine. have tried lot of drivers nothing seems change output.

i have no clue or try.

after many hours , after deciding post question, found answer.

the more complex solution, under amd settings application set use "high performance" mode, mode automatically enabled on windows 7 reason. disabling , setting "none" or "lower power" fixed issue.

doesn't change fact there issue laptops dedicated amd gpus, directx/direct3d used render frames.


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