solace - How to do Kerberos client authentication .Net api 7.1 -

i using solace middle-ware client , server communication. want move none kerberos authentication.

servers unix , configured kerberos authentication. client .net desktop gui application. , there multiple users.

i have question regarding client kerberos authentication.

  1. do need keytab file connect server , keytab file should common users or keytab file should create each users credentials.
  2. what if password changes?
  3. do need ask users install java kinit or krb5?
  4. what setting/configuration required on client side?

thanks in advance..!

you need add keytab solace's /keytabs directory. configure keys keytab tab solace's registered key table after file has been added, enter following kerberos keytab authentication config cli command:

solace(config-kerberos keytab)# add-keytab <keytab-filename> <index> 

the number of keytab files dependent on setup. typically, there 1 keytab file per ip address common users if setup requires greater control, can add total of 48 keytabs.

when change kerberos password, need recreate , re-add keytabs.

the client-side api requirements client use kerberos authentication include using appropriate java distribution or installed kerberos libraries messaging api used. .net applications, sspi distributed windows used, java not required.

a client application must set authentication scheme kerberos respective session. in .net, done sessionproperties.authenticationschemekrb session property. can set service principle name session property.


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