java - jsoup posting and cookie -

i'm trying use jsoup login site , scrape information, running in problem, can login , create document index.php cannot other pages on site. know need set cookie after post , load when i'm trying open page on site. how do this? following code lets me login , index.php

document doc = jsoup.connect("")                .data("username", "myusername",                       "password", "mypassword")                .post(); 

i know can use apache httpclient don't want to.

when login site, setting authorised session cookie needs sent on subsequent requests maintain session.

you can cookie this:

connection.response res = jsoup.connect("")     .data("username", "myusername", "password", "mypassword")     .method(     .execute();  document doc = res.parse(); string sessionid = res.cookie("sessionid"); // need check right cookie name 

and send on next request like:

document doc2 = jsoup.connect("")     .cookie("sessionid", sessionid)     .get(); 


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