How do I make my live templates in Android Studio to generate code like getters and setters according to variables that have already existed? -

now have made 1 this:

public $type$ get$property$() { return $property$; } public void set$property$($type$ $property$) { this.$property$ = $property$; } 


type:complete() property:suggestvariablename() property:capitalize(property) 

it can generate code this:

public  get() {     return ; }  public void set( ) {     this. = ; } 

but not want.

i want generate getters , setters according variables,and don't have input types , names of variable again.

if want setter , getter fot variable can use default way of insertion. press alt + insert. choose getter , setter. shown dialogue box variable names. can select variable there. can select multiple variable. notice might have press fn press insert. not answer want work want.


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