browser - IE8 and previous Internet Explorer versions -

i've been learning code while now, , keep coming across notes @ bottom of tutorial , manual pages saying "this isn't covered/won't work in previous versions of internet explorer." i've started wonder, matter? don't want sound open-ended or off-topic , what-not, i'm wondering if more .5% of population uses old versions of ie8. furthermore, i'm building financial website users potentially enter in financial information in dangerous manners. if person isn't internet-savvy enough have @ least updated internet explorer, think not target audience.

so, not off-topic or open ended, , stay relevant, asking:

  1. is notable (more .5%) amount of internet-using population using older versions of ie?

  2. is notable amount of internet-using population using ie?

  3. is there reason user have not updated internet browser (i.e. public libraries not update in places because take time update every computer)?

is notable (more .5%) amount of internet-using population using older versions of ie?

yes, see here. still using xp (a lot of people) can't update past 8 without upgrading os vista or 7. has kept lot of users (especially businesses) on ie 8.

is notable amount of internet-using population using ie?

see link above

is there reason user have not updated internet browser (i.e. public libraries not update in places because take time update every computer)?

as said, updating later version of ie isn't available. install firefox or chrome if you'd include solution (which shouldn't be)


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