i have multidimensional array looks this: matrix = [[0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0]] if wanted find value in first spot inside matrix have this: matrix[0][0] is there way in can make instead of having input coordinates find position can ask specific position? so if wanted first position input matrix[1] instead of matrix[0][0] if wanted second position input matrix[2] instead of matrix[1][0] and on. thanks help. one of simplest (and cleanest) solution wrap matrix inside class, , define bracket operator class. however, aware usually, positions go 0 n-1, not 1 n. the code compatible both python 2 , python 3 class matrix: def __init__(self, matrix): self.matrix = matrix self.n = len(matrix) def __getitem__(self, index): index -= 1 return self.matrix[int(index%self.n)][int(index/self.n)] = [[1,5,9,13], [2,6,10,14], [3,7,11,15], [4,8,12,16]] mtx = matrix(a) prin...