html - Issue with extra line space on Font Squirrel generated font in Firefox only -

i’m redesigning husband’s website, , though i’ve created few basic websites years ago, i’m bit of novice , i’m figuring things out go along…

i have font i’ve run through font squirrel, , i’m having issue how displays in firefox. safari , chrome seem working fine. first line of text adds space above it. display font , have used in many different areas of site, including navigation bar , many graphics , headings (not h1 or h2 tags per se, many divs)—the 1 paragraph have used (in sidebar on index page) puts space above first line. messing layout of site, , can’t find font works design.

i’ve tried setting line-height 1.2, , i’ve tried reset.css found on site, these don’t seem work. have css reset included on page recommended in css manual i’m using.

also, css index page still internal, if view source can see it. (i haven’t cleaned yet, might tad disorganized.)

the link test site here:

here css:

@font-face {   font-family: 'kenyancoffeerg-regular';   src: url('fonts/304bd0_0_0.eot');   src: url('fonts/304bd0_0_0.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),   url('fonts/304bd0_0_0.woff2') format('woff2'),   url('fonts/304bd0_0_0.woff') format('woff'),   url('fonts/304bd0_0_0.ttf') format('truetype');   } 

a couple of styles i’ve used it:

.navbar {    font-family: kenyancoffeerg-regular;   font-size: 22px;   width: 100%;   height: 33px;   background-color: rgb(25,25,25);   color: white;   text-align: right;   padding-top: 3px;   padding-right: 0px;   }  .lgredtext {   font-family: kenyancoffeerg-regular;   font-size: 60px;   color: rgb(222,59,33);   } 

the .lgredtext class used word "showroom" in second box down on right side of page.

i don’t know if including html here help. again, might easier view source on actual page. lengthy, putting css on external sheet before go live.

if haven’t provided enough info, please let me know. said, i’m novice, , i’m not sure needed figure out issue.

thanks in advance.

edit: @mike 'pomax' kamermans, so, code this?

 @font-face {   font-family: 'kenyancoffeerg-regular';   src: url('fonts/304bd0_0_0.woff2') format('woff2'),   url('fonts/304bd0_0_0.woff') format('woff'),   ;   } 

i noticed comment section said add changes original post instead of commenting. i've read forum lot, obviously, i'm not yet familiar posting etiquette. i'm open corrections or suggestions.

you try using styles firefox only. this:

.lgredtext {   font-family: kenyancoffeerg-regular;   font-size: 60px;   color: rgb(222,59,33); }  _:-moz-tree-row(hover), .lgredtext{     font-family: kenyancoffeerg-regular;    font-size: 60px;    color: rgb(222,59,33);    line-height:1.2; } 

please don't ask how "underscore, colon, dash, moz, whatever" works. don't know targets works on ff. if line height doesn't work try margins, padding or border (maybe transparent one). shouldn't suggest it's not popular though it's legitimate code; use negative margin, says it's bit hacky.


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