hibernate - JPA Deserilization Exception -

i having following domain while retrieving same jparepository giving me deserialization exception.

tried making fields transient same issue. doing wrong here?

@entity @table(name = "jhi_user") @cache(usage = cacheconcurrencystrategy.nonstrict_read_write) @document(indexname = "user") public class user extends abstractauditingentity implements serializable {      private static final long serialversionuid = 123123212141221421l;      @id     @generatedvalue(strategy = generationtype.auto)     private long id;      @notnull     @size(min = 1, max = 100)     @column(name="login", length = 100, unique = true, nullable = false)     private string login;      @jsonignore     @notnull     @size(min = 60, max = 60)      @column(name = "password_hash",length = 60)     private string password;      @size(max = 50)     @column(name = "first_name", length = 50)     private string firstname;      @size(max = 50)     @column(name = "last_name", length = 50)     private string lastname;      @notnull     @email     @size(max = 100)     @column(name="email", length = 100, unique = true, nullable = false)     private string email;      @notnull     @column( name="activated", nullable = false)     private boolean activated = false;      @size(min = 2, max = 5)     @column(name = "lang_key", length = 5)     private string langkey;      @size(max = 20)     @column(name = "activation_key", length = 20)     @jsonignore     private string activationkey;      @size(max = 20)     @column(name = "reset_key", length = 20)     private string resetkey;      @column(name = "reset_date", nullable = true)     private zoneddatetime resetdate = null;      @jsonignore     @manytomany     @jointable(         name = "jhi_user_authority",         joincolumns = {@joincolumn(name = "user_id", referencedcolumnname = "id")},         inversejoincolumns = {@joincolumn(name = "authority_name", referencedcolumnname = "name")})     @cache(usage = cacheconcurrencystrategy.nonstrict_read_write)     private  set<authority> authorities = new hashset<>();      @jsonignore     @onetomany(cascade = cascadetype.all, orphanremoval = true, mappedby = "user")     @cache(usage = cacheconcurrencystrategy.nonstrict_read_write)     private  set<persistenttoken> persistenttokens = new hashset<>();      public long getid() {         return id;     }      public void setid(long id) {         this.id = id;     }      public string getlogin() {         return login;     }      public void setlogin(string login) {         this.login = login;     }      public string getpassword() {         return password;     }      public void setpassword(string password) {         this.password = password;     }      public string getfirstname() {         return firstname;     }      public void setfirstname(string firstname) {         this.firstname = firstname;     }      public string getlastname() {         return lastname;     }      public void setlastname(string lastname) {         this.lastname = lastname;     }      public string getemail() {         return email;     }      public void setemail(string email) {         this.email = email;     }      public boolean getactivated() {         return activated;     }      public void setactivated(boolean activated) {         this.activated = activated;     }      public string getactivationkey() {         return activationkey;     }      public void setactivationkey(string activationkey) {         this.activationkey = activationkey;     }      public string getresetkey() {         return resetkey;     }      public void setresetkey(string resetkey) {         this.resetkey = resetkey;     }      public zoneddatetime getresetdate() {        return resetdate;     }      public void setresetdate(zoneddatetime resetdate) {        this.resetdate = resetdate;     }      public string getlangkey() {         return langkey;     }      public void setlangkey(string langkey) {         this.langkey = langkey;     }      public set<authority> getauthorities() {         return authorities;     }      public void setauthorities(set<authority> authorities) {         this.authorities = authorities;     }      public set<persistenttoken> getpersistenttokens() {         return persistenttokens;     }      public void setpersistenttokens(set<persistenttoken> persistenttokens) {         this.persistenttokens = persistenttokens;     }      @override     public boolean equals(object o) {         if (this == o) {             return true;         }         if (o == null || getclass() != o.getclass()) {             return false;         }          user user = (user) o;          if (!login.equals(user.login)) {             return false;         }          return true;     }      @override     public int hashcode() {         return login.hashcode();     }      @override     public string tostring() {         return "user{" +             "login='" + login + '\'' +             ", firstname='" + firstname + '\'' +             ", lastname='" + lastname + '\'' +             ", email='" + email + '\'' +             ", activated='" + activated + '\'' +             ", langkey='" + langkey + '\'' +             ", activationkey='" + activationkey + '\'' +             "}";     } } 

i hope you'll me kept searching long , don't know .


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