Creating a variable string from a multiselect listbox in MS Word -

i have created userform multiselect listbox "ok" command. when user makes selections listbox , clicks ok command, want create array (based on user's selections in listbox) can loop on each item in array open multiple files user has specified.

for example, if user selects "client 1" , "client 3" in listbox , selects "ok" command, want create array values , call each value in array in "find , replace" sub replaces, e.g., "client 1" "client 1" (colored red), "client 3" "client 3" (colored red). (the red other find , replace macro can skip these items specifying different color find for, along text client 1, client 3, etc.)

reading elsewhere on site, created function try generate array, don't know how , use in userform sub.

after finding answer, below, deleted original code had pasted here, because wrong , won't anyone.

additional information overall objective: have created macro initial find , replace in multiple files. macro opens bunch of files selected user , replaces client names text "confidential client". now, people asking me if can exclude clients being replaced. why want add userform listbox let them select clients exclude.

please help!

so, through trial , error , googling, came following solution, works purpose. first, after clicking f7 on userform, added items list array.

private sub userform_initialize()    'creates , assigns array listboxclients when form loads    listboxclients    .additem "client 1"    .additem "client 2"    .additem "client 3"    end end sub 

then, created following response "ok" command. first, prompts user select files process , opens first file:

private sub cmdok_click()    me.hide    msgbox "click ok browse , select files exclude.", vbinformation    dim mydialog filedialog, getstr(1 3000) string '3000 files maximum applying code    on error resume next    set mydialog = application.filedialog(msofiledialogfilepicker)    mydialog        .filters.clear        .filters.add "all word file ", "*.docx", 1        .allowmultiselect = true    = 1    if .show = -1    each stiselecteditem in .selecteditems    getstr(i) = stiselecteditem    = + 1    next    = - 1    end if    application.screenupdating = false    j = 1 step 1    set doc =, visible:=true)    windows(getstr(j)).activate 

then, loop through selected items in array , replace each selected item same text, colored red (so other macro--not shown here--will skip on when performs find , replace):

'find , replace listbox items in files dim ii integer    ii = 0 listboxclients.listcount - 1       if listboxclients.selected(ii)       selection.text = listboxclients.list(ii)       selection.find.clearformatting       selection.find.replacement.clearformatting       selection.find.replacement.font.color = 192             selection.find                 .text = selection.text                 .replacement.text = selection.text                 .forward = true                 .wrap = wdfindcontinue                 .format = true                 .matchcase = false                 .matchwholeword = false                 .matchwildcards = false                 .matchsoundslike = false                 .matchallwordforms = false             end       selection.find.execute replace:=wdreplaceall 

before finish, rid of selected array item reasons unknown pasted @ top of each of files:

      ' delete mysterious added text @ top of page (figure out later)       selection.homekey unit:=wdstory       selection.endkey unit:=wdline, extend:=wdextend       selection.delete unit:=wdcharacter, count:=1       end if    next ii 

then have code closes current document , returns top section of sub open next file (and end). have no idea why " macroname:="newmacros" there, works, i'm not going delete it. macroname:="newmacros"    activewindow.close    next    application.screenupdating = true    end end sub 

finally, add code cancel form if user changes his/her mind:

private sub cmdcancel_click() 'user has cancelled hide form me.hide end sub 

that's it. hope helps else.


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