How to download, use and keep updated PHP, Apache, MySQL on a machine running on Windows 10 Home operating system? -

i'm php developer profession. till working on ubuntu linux 14.04 lts 64-bit operating system , lamp stack.

yesterday bought new lenovo laptop pre-installed windows 10 home single language operating system.

then start development using php , mysql installed wampserver (64 bits & php 5.6.15 & php 7) 3 on new machine.

after installation i'm facing many problems in running php , phpmyadmin without error. it's showing me php version 5.6.16 installed old one.

actually, want install latest stable versions of following softwares before starting php development :

  • php version 7.0.6
  • apache httpd 2.4.20
  • mysql version 5.7.12
  • phpmyadmin version 4.6.1

and whenever new stable version of above softwares become available should able upgrade same software used on ubuntu machine running regular system update.

can please suggest me way achieve without hassle , trouble? can concentrate more on web development rather doing configuration settings.


there many addons available wampserver 3

they on sourceforge

or can downloaded links on wampserver forum

or alternate download site (often few days ahead of sourceforge)

remember wampserver can switch between installed version of apache/php/mysql simple click of menu item.

the latest version of wampserver v3.0.4 , comes

apache2.4.18 mysql5.7.11 php7.6.19 & 7.0.4 

addon php7.0.6 there ready download , install

addon apache2.4.20 there ready download , install

addon mysql5.7.12 there ready download , install

addon phpmyadmin version 4.6.1 there ready download , install

there have been few odd hiccups phpmyadmin lately there addon tool called adminer4.2.4 available also

mysql workbench great tool messing mysql, if install careful install workbench , not mysql server well.

what more possibly want


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