c# - UWP get shell icon for a file -

most solutions here use system.drawing not available in uwp afaik. getthumbnailasync() job non-image files. image files scaled preview, regardless of passed arguments.

file thumbnails, image , text

i'd have shell file icon instead of tiny preview left of file name, here:

shell file icon

any thoughts?


ps: have found hack: create 0 byte temp file same extension , make thumbnail of it. hope though there better solution...

well here's helper metod uses dummy file approach (place in static class):

public async static task<storageitemthumbnail> getfileicon(this storagefile file, uint size = 32) {     storageitemthumbnail icontmb;     var imgext = new[] { "bmp", "gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png" }.firstordefault(ext => file.path.tolower().endswith(ext));     if (imgext != null)     {         var dummy = await applicationdata.current.temporaryfolder.createfileasync("dummy." + imgext, creationcollisionoption.replaceexisting); //may overwrite existing         icontmb = await dummy.getthumbnailasync(thumbnailmode.singleitem, size);     }     else     {         icontmb = await file.getthumbnailasync(thumbnailmode.singleitem, size);     }     return icontmb; } 

usage example:

var icon = await file.getfileicon(); var img = new bitmapimage(); img.setsource(icon); 


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