osx - Raspberry Pi: Remote desktop with tightvnc and mac -

i trying setup tightvnc on raspberry pi 2 (rp2), can remote in mac. have done before , went smooth butter. second setup has been real challenge , not sure why. used these steps: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/vnc/. thing did wrong on - setup automatic start before ever connecting vnc server or setting password, makes me think might root of problem.

when try connect rp2 via finder's connect server feature, message saying cannot connect , need check settings on host. can ssh rp2, , can see indeed tightvnc not running, but! .x0-lock , x0 in /tmp/ folder exist. if delete both of these , restart tightvnc , connect rp2 mac can see grey pixelated screen & mouse cursor. ???

i tried removing tightvnc, tried disabling autostart, persists beyond me (i have used linux before school , work, not complete noob, not expert either). tried redoing steps correct install, no luck.

any ideas? thing can take at? might wipe whole raspberry instal.



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