angularjs - add a custom function on angular $resource -

this question has answer here:

i have angular resource goes this

app.factory('user', function ($resource) {     return $resource(         '/api/user/:listctrl:id/:docctrl/', {             id: '@id',             listctrl: '@listctrl',             docctrl: '@docctrl'         }, {             update: {                 method: 'put'             },             current: {                 method: 'get',                 params: {                     listctrl: 'current'                 }             },             nearby: {                 method: 'get',                 params: {                     docctrl: 'nearby'                 },                 isarray: true             }         }     ); }); 

now want have full name in view, can add method when this

$scope.user = user().current(); 

instead of doing following in html

<p>{{ user.first_name }} {{ user.last_name }}</p> 

i this

<p>{{ user.get_full_name }}</p> 

is there way add property $resource?

you can add property using transformresponse, might suggest adding method every object returns combined first , last name:

app.factory('user', function ($resource) {     var user = $resource(         '/api/user/:listctrl:id/:docctrl/', {             id: '@id',             listctrl: '@listctrl',             docctrl: '@docctrl'         }, {             update: {                 method: 'put'             },             current: {                 method: 'get',                 params: {                     listctrl: 'current'                 }             },             nearby: {                 method: 'get',                 params: {                     docctrl: 'nearby'                 },                 isarray: true             }         }     );     // add methods here using prototype     user.prototype.get_full_name = function() {         return this.first_name + ' ' + this.last_name;     };     return user; }); 

then use:

<p>{{ user.get_full_name() }}</p> 

any functions added using prototype added onto every object returned service. great way add helper methods if need complicated getting or setting of service properties.


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