Symbolic package is not found by octave (4.0.0) -

i have installed python (2.7.8), sympy (0.7.5) , symbolic package (2.3.0) in octave (4.0.0). in octave did

pkg install symbolic-2.3.0.tar (without errors) pkg load symbolic (without errors) 

and trying use it:

>> symbols error: 'symbols' undefined near line 1 column 1 

windows 7, 64-bit. package seems in list of installed ones:

package name  | version | installation directory --------------+---------+-----------------------      control *|   3.0.0 | c:\octave\octave-4.0.0\share\octave\packages\control-3.0.0    financial *|   0.5.0 | c:\octave\octave-4.0.0\share\octave\packages\financial-0.5.0           io *|   2.4.1 | c:\octave\octave-4.0.0\share\octave\packages\io-2.4.1        optim *|   1.5.1 | c:\octave\octave-4.0.0\share\octave\packages\optim-1.5.1       signal *|   1.3.2 | c:\octave\octave-4.0.0\share\octave\packages\signal-1.3.2      splines *|   1.2.9 | c:\octave\octave-4.0.0\share\octave\packages\splines-1.2.9       struct *|  1.0.13 | c:\octave\octave-4.0.0\share\octave\packages\struct-1.0.13     symbolic *|   2.3.0 | c:\octave\octave-4.0.0\share\octave\packages\symbolic-2.3.0 

why package not used? grateful advice.

there not "symbols" in current version of symbolic package. can see example of code in wiki. can try use syms testing of loading symbolic package:

>> syms x 

read documentation - octave-forge

may useful link - symbolic-computation-and-octave


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