c# - How to access a child window inside a main window in White Framework -

i using white framework ui automation in windows desktop based application. not able find way access child window. uiaverify depicts properties of window as:

below code reference:

public class program {     application app = application.launch("path application");      public program()     {         //getting main window         window mainwindow = app.getwindow("mainform", initializeoption.nocache);         mainwindow.waitwhilebusy();         **//here wanna child window can access controls on window. below code getting child windows controls**          //getting firm box         textbox firm = childwindow.get<textbox>(searchcriteria.byautomationid("1313948"));         //setting value firm         firm.setvalue("firm2");         //getting staffid text box         textbox staffid = childwindow.get<textbox>(searchcriteria.byautomationid("723272"));         staffid.setvalue("staff");          button ok = childwindow.get <button>(searchcriteria.byautomationid("_okb[enter image description here][1]utton"));         ok.click();     } 

use treescope.children access immediate child elements of desktop:

automationelement rootelement = automationelement.rootelement;     var wincollection = rootelement.findall(treescope.children, condition.truecondition);      foreach (automationelement element in wincollection)         console.writeline(element.current.name); 


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