BASH, How do you repeat a command if a user response is No? -

here talking how script jump first echo statement if no selected, thanks?

echo "please enter input: "  read input_variable  echo "you entered: $input_variable"   read -r -p "is correct? [y/n] " response  case $response in  [yy][ee][ss]|[yy]  do_something  ;;  *)  

{return first line - echo "please enter input: "}

;;  esac 

wrap prompts in while loop break out of once input confirmed:

while :; # same as: `while true; do` - keep looping until exited `break`    echo "please enter input: "    read -r input_variable    echo "you entered: $input_variable"     read -r -p "is correct? [y/n] " response    case $response in      [yy][ee][ss]|[yy])       break     ;;    esac  done  do_something 

note not n, input other matched case handler cause loop remain active.


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