php - Unset attribute value for a specific product magento -

i have attribute "clothes" multiselect options "skirt","pant","cargos"...

the attribute id's say,

skirt-198 pant-199 cargos-200

i have tag collection of products attribute skirt, way,

$collection->setclothes('198'); $collection->save(); 

now want tag same collection attribute pant well,

if use,


it overwrites , product tagged pants , not both skirts , pants.

i need in rightly tagging product multiple attributes(when multiselect used)

and case where, have product tagged skirts , want untag skirts.

i have tried best. can pls me solve this.

have tried $collection->setclothes(array('198','199'));?

and untag, have to:

$tags = $collection->getclothes(); //let's have 5 tags.. 192, 193, 194, 199, 198.  $tagstoremove = array('194','199');  $collection->setclothes(     array_diff($tags, $tagstoremove) ); 


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