php - Dealing with url request in CodeIgniter -

i started learning codeigniter , must pretty easy have problem dealing wrong urls, example:

if have anchor tag in controller if have

public function info( $x ) {    $data['body'] = "personal_info";    $data['details'] = $this->person_model->get_detail( $x );    $this->load->view('view', $data); } 

the controller grabs links

segment (3) 

and grab details of id database. instance if user manually edit link on browser , change


to lets 7 , there no id in database 4.

how handle such problem? beginner please pardon me

you use empty method check if there data , if not redirect away page.

public function info( $x )  {     $details = $this->person_model->get_detail( $x );     if(empty($details))         redirect('other/url');      $data['body'] = "personal_info";     $data['details'] = details;     $this->load->view('view', $data); } 

this way doesn't throw errors , potentially attempt display doesn't exist.


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