javascript - Why is my angularjs multiselect interface not working? -

i angular newbie using multiselect directive isteven.

i wrote test case, works fine html in root folder, when incorporated my app, none of drop-downs visible.

there no console.log error messages.

i bundled html , controller same file.

the "myapp.controller('mainctrl', function ($scope, $http)" not executed although "var myapp = angular.module( "myapp", [ "isteven-multi-select" ]);" does.

<html data-ng-app="myapp" id="myapp" lang="en">     <head>         <title>writer's tryst - enablers form</title>         <link type="text/css" href="css/enablers.css" rel="stylesheet" />         <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/isteven-multi-select.css">     </head>     <body data-ng-controller="mainctrl">         <div class="container center_div">             <!--<form id="form-writers" class="form-horizontal well">-->             <img id="img-enablers" src="#" alt="images" />             <form id = "form-enablers"  class="form-horizontal well">                 <h1>enablers</h1>                  <label for="work-type" class="fixed50">type:</label>                 <p id="work-type"                     data-isteven-multi-select                     data-input-model="worktype"                     data-output-model="outputworktype"                     data-button-label="icon name"                     data-item-label="icon name"                     data-tick-property="ticked"                 ></p>                 <label for="form-type" class="fixed50">form:</label>                 <p id="form-type"                     data-isteven-multi-select                     data-input-model="formtype"                     data-output-model="outputformtype"                     data-button-label="name"                     data-item-label="name"                     data-tick-property="ticked"                 ></p>                 <p>for explanation of genres s   hown here, see <a target="_blank" href="">list of genres</a><br/></p>                 <label for="genres" class="fixed50">genres:</label>                 <p id="genres"                     data-isteven-multi-select                     data-input-model="genres"                     data-output-model="outputgenres"                     data-button-label="name"                     data-item-label="name"                     data-tick-property="ticked"                 ></p>                 <label for="accepted-media" class="fixed50">accepted media:</label>                 <p id="accepted-media"                     data-isteven-multi-select                     data-input-model="acceptedmedia"                     data-output-model="outputmedia"                     data-button-label="icon name"                     data-item-label="icon name"                     data-tick-property="ticked"                 ></p>                 <p> <label for="special-instructions" class="fixed50">special instructions</label>                     <textarea id ="special-instructions" name="special-instructions">                     </textarea>                 </p>                 <p>for limited time, enablers can use site <span style="color: #f00; font-weight:bold">free</span>. reserve right change policy without notice.</p>                 <div id="recaptcha-elements"></div>                 <div class="form-group">                     <button type="submit" id="enablers-search" class="btn btn-default glyphicon glyphicon-search"> search</button>                 </div>                 <input id="userid" name="userid" type="hidden" />             </form>         </div>         <form id="writers-list">             <p>to request manuscript, click checkbox beneath thumbs-up icon.</p>             <div id="table-list"></div>         </form>         <script src="js/isteven-multi-select.js"></script>         <script src="js/enablers.js"></script>         <script src="js/recaptcha.js"></script>         <script>         var myapp = angular.module( "myapp", [ "isteven-multi-select" ]);          myapp.controller('mainctrl', function ($scope, $http) {             alert("got here");             $scope.worktype = [                 { icon: "<img src=img/icons/smile-mask.png />", name: "fiction", ticked: false },                 { icon: "<img src=img/icons/frown-mask.png />", name: "non-fiction", ticked: false }             ];             $scope.formtype = [];             var data = {};             data.action = 'multiselect-forms';             ajax('post', 'php/enablers.php', data, formssuccess, 'error retrieving multiselect forms data: ');             function formssuccess(data) {                 console.log(data);                 $scope.formtype = eval(data);             }             $scope.genres = [];              data.action = 'multiselect-genres';             ajax('post', 'php/enablers.php', data, genressuccess, 'error retrieving multiselect forms data: ');             function genressuccess(data) {                 console.log(data);                 $scope.genres = eval(data);             }             $scope.acceptedmedia = [                 { icon: "<img src=img/icons/email.png />", name: "mail", ticked: false },                 { icon: "<img src=img/icons/pdf.png />", name: "pdf file", ticked: false }             ];      /*     $http({     method: "post",     url: "php/enablers.php",     params: data,     contenttype: 'text'     }).then(function mysucces(response) {     console.log(;     //        $scope.formtype =;     }, function myerror(response) {     $scope.formtype = response.statustext;     });     */ })          </script>     </body>                           s </html> 

notice, resorted using jquery ajax because angular kept insiting on json, though header php interace specified content-type of text/plain http call specifiing contenttype = 'text'


<?php require_once 'dbconnect.php';  function isempty($str) {     return strlen(trim($str)) == 0; } function buildinstmt($array) {     if (is_array($array)) {         $in = implode(',', $array);     } else $in = "'" . $array . "'";     return $in; } function multiselectgenres()  {     try {          $dbh = connect2db();         $stmt = $dbh->prepare("select id, genre genres order genre");         if (!$stmt->execute()) {             echo "\npdostatement::errorcode(): ";             print $stmt->errorcode();              print_r($dbh->errorinfo());         } else {             $select = "[";             $rows = $stmt->fetchall(pdo::fetch_assoc);             foreach ($rows $row) {                 $genre = $row['genre'];                 $id = $row["id"];                 $select .= "{";                 $select .= 'name: ';                 $select .= '"' . $genre . '",';                 $select .= 'ticked: false},';             }             $select = substr($select, 0, -1) . "]";         }         header("content-type: text/plain");         echo $select;     } catch (pdoexception $e) {         echo 'connection failed: ' . $e->getmessage();     }         } function multiselectforms() {     try {         $dbh = connect2db();         $stmt = $dbh->prepare("select id, form forms order form");         $stmt->execute();         $rows = $stmt->fetchall(pdo::fetch_assoc);         $select = "[";         foreach ($rows $row) {             $id = $row['id'];             $form = $row['form'];             $select .= "{";             $select .= 'name: ';             $select .= '"' . $form . '",';             $select .= 'ticked: false},';         }         $select = substr($select, 0, -1) . "]";         header("content-type: text/plain");         echo $select;     } catch (pdoexception $e) {         echo 'database error: ' . $e->getmessage();     } catch (exception $e) {         echo 'general failure: ' . $e->getmessage();     }     }  function search() {     try{         /*         if (!isset($_request["work-type"]) || isempty($_request["work-type"]))             throw new exception('you must select type of work.');         else {             $worktype = filter_var(trim($_request["work-type"]), filter_sanitize_string);             $worktype = htmlspecialchars_decode($worktype, ent_quotes);         }         */         manageenablerdata();         if (!isset($_request["userid"]) || isempty($_request["userid"])) {             throw new exception('a user-id must supplied.');                }         $userid = $_request["userid"];         if (!isset($_request["form-type"]) || empty($_request["form-type"])) {             throw new exception('you must select form type.');                }         $forms = buildinstmt($_request["form-type"]);          if (!isset($_request["genre"]) || empty($_request["genre"])) {             throw new exception('you must select genre.');                }         $genres = buildinstmt($_request["genre"]);         /*         if (!isset($_request["sub-genre"]) || isempty($_request["sub-genre"]))             throw new exception('you must select sub-genre.');                else {             $subgenre = filter_var(trim($_request["sub-genre"]), filter_sanitize_string);             $subgenre = htmlspecialchars_decode($subgenre, ent_quotes);         }         */         $dbh = connect2db();         $dbh->setattribute(pdo::attr_errmode, pdo::errmode_exception);         $stmt = $dbh->prepare("select,,, w.title, w.filename writers w join accounts on = w.fkaccounts = :userid ,  formtype in($forms) , genre in($genres)");         $stmt->bindparam(':userid', $userid, pdo::param_int);         $stmt->execute();         $rows = $stmt->fetchall();         $table = '<table><tr><th>author</th><th>title</th><th>synopsis</th><th><img src="img/thumb-up-icon.png" width="32" alt="thumbs-up" </th></tr>';         foreach ($rows $row) {             $table .= "<tr><td>" . $row['name'] . "</td><td>" . $row['title'] . "</td><td>" . "<a href='uploads/" . $row['filename'] . "' target=_blank>synposis file</a>" . "</td><td><input type='checkbox' id='request-manuscript' name='request-manuscript'"  . "</td><td class='hidden'>" . $row['id'] . "</td><td class='hidden'>" . $row['email'] . "</td></tr>";         }         $table .= "</table>";         echo $table;      } catch (pdoexception $e) {         echo 'database error: ' . $e->getmessage();     } catch (exception $e) {         echo 'general error: ' . $e->getmessage();     }      } function manageenablerdata()  {   $si = ""; //special-instructions     if (isset($_request["special-instructions"]) && !isempty($_request["special-instructions"])) {         $si = filter_var(trim($_request["special-instructions"]), filter_sanitize_string);         $si = htmlspecialchars_decode($si, ent_quotes);     }      if (!isset($_request["userid"]) || isempty($_request["userid"])) {         throw new exception('a user-id must supplied.');            }     $userid = $_request["userid"];     /*         if (!isset($_request["accepted-media"]) || empty($_request["accepted-media"])) {         throw new exception('an accepted media must entered.');            }     $acceptedmedia = buildinstmt($_request["accepted-media"]);     */     $dbh = connect2db();     $dbh->setattribute(pdo::attr_errmode, pdo::errmode_exception);     $stmt = $dbh->prepare("insert enablers(fkaccounts, specialinstructions) values(:fka, :si) on duplicate key update fkaccounts=values(fkaccounts), specialinstructions=values(specialinstructions)");     $stmt->bindparam(':fka', $userid, pdo::param_int);     $stmt->bindparam(':si', $si, pdo::param_str);     $stmt->execute();     //need handle acceptedmedia } //var_dump($_request);exit(); if (!isset($_request['action'])  || isempty($_request['action']))     throw new exception('programmer error: action not posted.'); else {     $action = $_request['action'];     switch($action) {     case 'search':         search();         break;     case 'select':         select();         break;     case 'multiselect-genres':         multiselectgenres();         break;     case 'multiselect-forms':         multiselectforms();         break;     default:         throw new exception("unknown action: " . $action);         break;     } }  ?> 

if decide deserve downvote, please me understand doing wrong may learn mistakes.

1. why not work:

a). in test case, you've put <body data-ng-controller="mainctrl"> in html, , call mainctrl function.

b). in app, have mainctrl, neither call in html nor $routeprovider.when


1). easiest way: <body data-ng-controller="mainctrl"> in app, same test case.

2). put codes inside of mainctrl enablerscontroller.if need select input model in page #/enablers.

both guesses, try , if problems let me know.


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