java - How to verify text in message generated by Constraint Validation API in HTML5? -

i test web application uses html5 constraint validation api generate error pop-ups. how verify text in pop-ups in selenium tests? cannot find appropriate locators.

as per link provided sample html code snippet address problem :

<form id="myform"> <input id="eid" name="email_field" type="email" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> 

i have gone through above html source , looked ,but there no html source code in source code validation message generates after clicking on "submit query".

however can guide throw workaround work if had worked when have error message.

please understand way:

1.please observer source code of input boxes constraint validation api in html5? see attribute defines type of data can take in    our example attribute name , type. 3.they both above html code take input in form of email only. logic check value entered in input box of type of    email or not.if email pass test otherwise fail. 

hope make sense top , helps you.


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