Android - Wizard with multiple fragments - Back button behavior -

imagine have mainactivity shows list of tasks. can add new task list clicking standard fab button. after new wizardactivity starts. adding new task 3 step process (each step single fragment):

enter image description here

i need advice button behavior arrow in toolbar.

let's i'm in step 2, should on pressed? move step 1 or close activity? what's best ux pattern here? maybe should remove additional back , next buttons , move them toolbar (kinda on ios)? want right, intuitive.

you can consider use button of device navigate step 3->step2->step1.

if in step1 close activity.

also don't forget save instance of fragment in step1 , step2 when user go previous fragment edit he/she not have give data again.

instead of using external back/next button put next button each of fragment , let user choose go previous fragment using tab or pressing hardware button.


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