php - Generate one single migration from all migration files symfony doctrine? -

my website hosted on shared server cant run migration command since dont have access ssh. there way can generate 1 single migration/sql file migration files generated during development, can import/execute manually?

i using symfony 2 framework doctrine2

output sql , execute manually

you output sql of migrations run on local machine , execute web-console (e.g. phpmyadmin).

php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --write-sql -e prod 

where "prod" environment point towards database structure in sync 1 on server.
once ran compiled sql on server, re-run same command update "local" version of database (without --write-sql option)

php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate  -e prod 

this update remote database without need ssh, direct connection (my)sql server.

upon next database change; repeat...

just point towards production database

if possible, point towards production/remote database "prod" environment.

database_host: <your-website-domain> database_port: 3306 #default database_name: <your-database-name> database_user: <your-database-user> database_password: <your-database-password> 

but shared-hosting companies not allow connect directly database external connection, stuck proposition mentioned above.


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