javascript - No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource -

i had error

xmlhttprequest cannot load request header field x-requested-with not allowed access-control-allow-headers in preflight response.

i have these 2 lines @ top of php page load js file.

header("access-control-allow-origin: *"); 

but issues persist, should do.

i trying access  js file 

this header response

access-control-allow-origin:* connection:keep-alive

content-encoding:gzip content-length:4799 content-type:text/html

date:wed, 25 may 2016 06:28:04 gmt keep-alive:timeout=5, max=100

server:apache/2.4.7 (ubuntu) vary:host,accept-encoding


try add access controll on htaccess origin domain.

<ifmodule mod_headers.c>    header set access-control-allow-origin "*" </ifmodule> 

is not secure allow access controll sites. replace "*" sign specific domain


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