jquery - Multiple arrays in javascript doens't work passing values -

i'm trying create multidimensional arrays in js this:

on app.js file have

 var equipvalue = new array();   var selectedtrucks  = new array(); 

in function.js file instead have:

for (var in selectedtrucks) {     (function(i){         // simple ajax request return me json values         var ajaxurl = '/ajaxrequest/getsingletruckposition/' + selectedtrucks[i];          $.ajax({             url: ajaxurl,         })         .done(function(data) {             if(data != null){                 //  equipvalue doens't go.                  // unable set property '0' of undefined or null reference                 equipvalue[i] = jquery.parsejson(data);              }          }); 

why obtain: unable set property '0' of undefined or null reference ? why variables doens't work on function.js file selectedtrucks work perfectly?

thanks guy


doing test i've tried this:

 equipvalue = jquery.parsejson(data); 

so, problem isn't scoope create multidimensional array on runtime? or similar?

** edit 2**

here problem:

 var selectedtrucks     = new array();  // other 15 lines of codes , this:  if(selectedtrucks === undefined || selectedtrucks.length == 0){         cleanmapmarkers();     } 

why cleanmapmakers() launched when selectedtrucks empty?? problems i've found here. thanks

  • update : seems equipvalue changed, or overwritten different type, somewhere else.

in code, maybe you're looking for, if selectedtrucks undefined or if it's not empty

if(selectedtrucks === undefined || selectedtrucks.length != 0){         cleanmapmarkers();     } 

.done(function(data) {          if (data != null) {            equipvalue[i] = data; 



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