javascript - Add doubleclick on jQuery Easyzoom plugin on mobile devices -

i want implement jquery easyzoom double click on mobile devices.

on desktop monitors fine, user hovers image , applies easyzoom plugin , zoom image. on mobile devices, image 100% width , height if user wants scroll down activates zoom on image instead scrolling down.

is there possibility allow easyzoom on mobile devices (window.width <= 767px) via double clicking image.

var page_width = $('body').innerwidth();  if (page_width >= 768) {     var easyzoom = $('.easyzoom').easyzoom({         loadingnotice: 'loading image...',         errornotice: 'error while loading image!'     });      var api = easyzoom.filter('.easyzoom').data('easyzoom'); } else {     // doubleclick js code easyzoom } 


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