How to keep writing in batch file after I execute it -

so i'm learning how program using laravel php framework. noticed controllers , classes can created , there high interaction level framework using php artisan commands. decide create little batch script reads:

cd:/xampp/htdocs/project php artisan make:controller pause 

as can see, php artisan missing controller name. need bat is:

open bat file

execute cd command go directory (which doing)

input php artisan command

not execute php artisan , keep waiting me finish command controller name or else crash , give me error

after write controller name, press enter, execute php artisan command , create controller.

all need program halt , ready, waiting input.

you can batch file ask user input this:

set /p input=enter controller name:  

and can use result in rest of batch file:

php artisan make:controller %input% 

also, if don't want see each command it's executing, put @ top of batch file:

@echo off 


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