css - Html tags hidden attributes -

i have problem people have when html on different browsers. doesn't render expected in browsers.

i notice render same in browsers if specified of attributes. browsers adjust attributes of elements, other don't. so, question is

is there tool give element attributes, don't specified in css ? way, won't depend on browser render algorithms see in browsers in best render , copy attributes in css :) thx in advance

you can try chrome's web inspector (right click, inspect element). go expand computed style accordion. you'll see whatever being applied element. same case firefox (firebug) or opera (dragonfly) or ie (f12 dev. tools)

apart this, suggest use reset stylesheet such "normalize.css" override browser applied styles on elements, more or less same in browsers.

also, elements such buttons not same on firefox , chrome by default. you'll need css make them same across browsers.


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