c# - Passing a list of objects between events in a single ASP.NET form from DevExpress -

so have website coded in c#, , when load form, loads several records database , populates grid view. 1 event button click button marked resend. method takes items in grid selected , resend them. if selected items don't follow particular set of rules form pops , says records must moved resend. user has option hit yes , move records or no , continue on business.

i need pass list of selected items resend click yes click on separate form, issue popup , grid technically same form. can load , jazz, load event , of popup's code located in same form.cs grid. haven't been able make event handlers work. create custom eventargs class , store values in there, since 2 forms technically same, i'm not sure how transfer information properly. keep getting null reference exception when try access list of selected values yes click event.

any suggestions should do? properties , variables haven't worked, leads me believe technically 2 different forms, don't know how work them in context.

if need code or want clarified let me know.

store list of selected items in session cache, this:

protected void buttonresend_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     list<items> listofselecteditems = new list<items>();     // put logic here populating listofselecteditems      // store listofselecteditems in session cache     session["selecteditems"] = listofselecteditems; } 

note: made items class stored in list<t>; whatever class have holding selected items work or list of strings.

now in "other" page, can retrieve listofselecteditems in session, this:

if(session["selecteditems"] != null) {     list<items> listofitems = session["selecteditems"] list<items>;      // put logic here work list of selected items } 


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