mailmerge - Simple mail merge for google form -

i trying modify email template given google's simple mail merge. google sheets linked form response set send me emails of results when fills out form. problem when add additional line under email address phone number, results show right after results email. not show on separate line. sorry if doesn't make sense. hoping has used google forms , used mail merge shine light. in advance.

the example below.

hi ${"first name"}  signing up.  submitted following data: first name: ${"first name"} last name: ${"last name"} email address: ${"email address"}  please verify information , contact if there's mistake.  thank you! 

if add different line below :

hi ${"first name"}  signing up.  submitted following data: first name: ${"first name"} last name: ${"last name"} email address: ${"email address"} phone number: ${"phone number"}  please verify information , contact if there's mistake.  thank you! 

results if line of code added under email: first name: john last name: doe email address : john.doe@yahoo.comphone number:999-999-9999

it formatting issue. check paragraphing characters same (did edit in spreadsheet itself?)

otherwise there should no problems sending out. let me know if works.


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